
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fat Monkeys (No Joke)

So I recently read an article on obesity and what the pharmaceutical industry is doing to try and combat it.  In addition to manufacturing hundreds of drugs to "assist" with weight loss, diabetes, and cholestorol, they are no fattening up monkeys to try and figure out what the real problem is.  Across the country, Oregon, Florida, Arizona, there are thousands of monkeys essentially sitting in solitary confinement being fattened up so they can be dissected to see the effects of excess weight on the brain and heart and also to test new weight loss drugs.  While the fact that this is being done to them is troubling enough, I would like to focus more on the reason this is being done to them; to test new drugs and "figure out" what essentially causes them to get fat.  As one commenter in the article stated, all you need to do is go park your car in front of a McDonald's to figure out why people are getting fat.  I agree, why people get fat is no real puzzle.  An increasing majority of our population (sound familiar) is leading a sedentary lifestyle, venturing out into the world only when they have to, and the rest of the time, either sitting in front of their TV or computer, munching away on processed foods full of chemical preservatives.  There used to be a time in our country when young children couldn't be pulled away from the great outdoors, now they (including adults) can't be pulled away from their TV's, video games, computers, ipads, etc.  We have essentially built our own solitary confinement chambers in our houses with one main path from the refrigerator to the TV/computer.  There was also a time when family's used to grow their own vegetables.  Now, we do lead busier lives so growing your own vegetables is not a feasible alternative for everyone, but getting fresh produce from the grocery store is.  If we stuck to the outer ring of the supermarket where all the fresh produce, meats, and dairy products are, we could start to chip away at the obesity epidemic currently plaguing our country.  Instead, a majority of the population goes for the pre-cut, pre-packaged, prepared meals lingering in the center of the grocery store.  And when that causes an increase in cholestorol, diabetes, and a slew of other health problems, they turn to the pharmaceutical industry for help instead of their own to legs (you know, doing that whole "walking" and "exercise" thing).  If we went by the standards of the pharmaceutical industry, they would have us believe that the healthiest person on earth would be the one taking the most medications.  Is this really the case?  No.  Most often, the people on the most medications are the ones with the most serious health problems because medications essentially mask the underlying problem.  And when a new problem arises, either from complications with the medication or something else, a new med is prescribed.  Has any one taking these medications listened to the warnings on TV; numbnessm, vomiting,  blurred vision, dizziness, liver failure, stroke, heart palpitations, death?   Why would anyone in their right mind put these meds through their body.  Lets keep in mind that they pharmaceutical industry is an industry like any other, they are their to make money.  If you need evidence for this fact, talk to the hundreds of doctors who receive stipends for pushing certain meds on their patients.  I know this may seem overbearing, but lets tie this in to my other posts a little.  The capacity lies within each of us to take care of ourselves without medications.  Is it easy? No.  But you know what, life isn't easy yet we keep on living every day.  Lets take responsibility for what we do to ourselves and make an effort to fix it ourselves without putting money into the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry.  Quite often, people complain that medications are so expensive.  Damn right they are!  They are more expensive than the fresh fruits and vegetables at the grocery store.  Do the math yourself and see if you could financially sustain yourself on a diet of processed foods and meds.  I for one could not.  Back to the fat monkeys.  There is no real reason to fatten up monkeys.  We all know why people gain weight.  Some may even say that it is a mental condition or phsycological.  All it takes to lose weight is a healthy diet and some determination, something that seems utterly lacking these days.  For myself, I am going to keep on walking my dogs every morning and keep on eating fresh produce from my garden.  Lets not forget that we are all human.  Say hello to a stranger today and listen to their story.  Maybe they need someone to listen to them.  As always, I look for other's opinions and want to promote discussion.  Next time I will delve into the ludicrous wedding industry.


  1. Great write up - keep them coming ALex!

  2. Sometimes, its as simple as parking the car at the far end of the parking lot and walking the extra hundred yards to the store......The little stuff adds up.

    The whole obesity also brings up another issue that I'd be intrigued to hear your take on, the opposite issue of anorexia and bolemia. The media image of the perfect individual as those individuals whom bones you can see through their skin-tight shirts. Whats your take on the issues of anorexia and bolemia and what the media portrays for us?
