
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Giving Thanks

This week calls to mind a lot of questions as it is the week of Thanksgiving.  Traditionally, Thanksgiving was celebrated to give thanks for a bountiful harvest that allowed people to make it through the winter with enough food to sustain them.  While the reasons for celebrating have changed, we still celebrate this holiday every year, partly as a tradition, partly to give thanks for other good things in our lives.   So now that most of us don't give thanks for a bountiful harvest, what do we give thanks for on this day?  Many people these days give thanks for the family and friends they celebrate the holiday with and some give thanks for their health, their jobs or their success.  The reason is probably a little different for everyone, but I feel that it is important at this point to identify what you are thankful for.  I have talked before about appreciating others in our lives and simply saying thank you to them for they have done.  This week is when we should take the time to sit down for a few minutes and actually think about the beneficial impact that others have had on us, the good things that have happened in our lives, and how we might be able to appreciate those people and things a little bit more.  It is important to think about these things, but if we simply think about it and do nothing to show our appreciation, then whats the point?  By giving voice to our thanks, we are reinforcing the good in our lives and celebrating the fact that we have something to be thankful for.

I myself have a lot to be thankful for.  I am first and foremost thankful for my family.  Without my family, I would not be where I am today.  They above all provide love and support.  No matter what day of the week it is or what time of year, I know that they love me.  They have been there for me when I needed them, have supported my decisions in life, and helped me discover the path I now travel down.  I am thankful also for my clients and business associates.  Why?  Because without them I would not be working right now.  As a contractor, I work in a business that is dominated by customer support.  If my clients believe in the work I do, they will assist in building my business through referring me to others.  Throughout my 7 years in business, I have continued to grow and prosper despite the economic situation and for that I am thankful.  I am also thankful for my health.   In this day and age where disease and infections seem to proliferate exponentially, I have been blessed with good health and for that I am incredibly thankful.  I could go on and list all the little things that I am thankful for, but I think that this short list encompasses almost every part of my life for which I am thankful.  So why did I go through the list of people and things I am thankful for?  Because at least for me, writing things down helps me sort them out and remember them more concretely.  By listing them, it puts them at the forefront of my mind and I will keep them with me through the coming weeks and months.  Writing them down helps me to give voice to what I am thankful for.  It is just a start, but at least I have started and hopefully have inspired others to recognize what they are thankful for in their lives and give voice to their own thanks.

Since we are on the topic of giving thanks, I have been mulling over a decision in regards to my blog throughout the past week.  Last Monday I wrote a piece entitled "Tribute to My Brother".  After writing that, I started thinking about some of the other people in my life and their efforts that go unrecognized or unappreciated.  In an attempt to give thanks specifically to people in my life and recognize them for what they do, I have decided to make Mondays my tribute day if you will.  Each Monday, I will write a blog that is essentially a tribute to someone in my life.  I often times don't verbalize things that I am feeling or thoughts that I have, but perhaps writing them down in a public forum will help somehow.  Perhaps through my writing these tribute pieces, others will recognize people in their own lives who go unrecognized or unappreciated.  I think that if people can appreciate those in their own lives who have made a difference or simply lived a good life, then perhaps we can all improve our lives and recognize the important things.  What is the most important aspect of our lives?  Is it money, success, health, a job, or is it our family.  I get caught often times getting wrapped up in my work, letting it stress me out and drive my emotions when all that really matters is that I have a family that loves me.  So today, take five minutes after reading this, think about who or what you are thankful for in your life, and give voice to it.  (Trust me, it won't take too much effort).

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