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Friday, August 10, 2012

Uh oh, More Teeth

Judging by events over this past week, I would have to say that our son is getting his next round of teeth and I am also pretty sure that he is not enjoying it.  All the teeth he has gotten so far, 10 I believe, have come in relatively smoothly and without much complaining.  This time, however, while he isn't complaining much during the day, he has taken to waking up screaming at night.  There isn't a set time when he wakes up, rather, it could range from a half hour after going to bed till three in the morning.  Regardless, the evenings have not been overly fun and last night was by far the worst yet.   He woke up for the first time around 6, only a half hour after going down for the night.  After letting him lay there for a few minutes with no abatement to the crying and screaming, I went to go see what was wrong.  As soon as I picked him up, started singing to him and rocking him, he stopped crying and just stared at me for about 15 minutes.  Seeing that he was not about to fall asleep in my arms, I put him back down in his crib.  About halfway down to the mattress, he starts crying and screaming again.  Well, he screamed for a few more minutes after I left the room and then went to sleep presumably.  The fun did not stop there.  After I left for a dart match, my wife reported him waking up maybe around 730.  Knowing that he most likely wanted to be held, my wife left him in the crib and let him cry it off.  It took a while, but eventually he fell back asleep.  Even after that episode, it appears that he did not have enough because he took up crying again about  9/930.  That time, however, the crying didn't last nearly as long and he went back to sleep on his own accord. 

So while he is most likely waking up from his teeth or nightmares or something, we think he is also testing us to see if we will come and get him when he cries.  Last night seemed to prove that a little as each time he woke up and cried, he cried for less time and went back to sleep on his own more quickly.  Hopefully he figures out quickly that someone will not be coming to get him every time he makes a peep up in his crib.  I do feel bad that he is in pain (at least I think he is), however when he stops crying the moment you pick him up and start singing to him, the pain can't be that bad.  My wife and I are both hoping that his teeth come in quickly and that he can get back to sleeping all the way through the night like he as been doing since 2 months old.  Outside of this latest hiccup, our son is doing fantastic.  He is getting closer and closer to walking now.  Over the past week or so, he has gained a little confidence and started letting go of one hand while walking.  He still greatly depends on the other hand to steady himself and provide balance, yet going one handed is just one step closer (ha, no pun intended originally).  He also has a penchant for throwing things, from clothes to blocks, toys to diapers; anything he can get his hands on inevitably gets thrown.  It doesn't just get thrown once however, he will often times throw or drop an object, pick it up, and repeat a few more times till he re-affirms that gravity has not vanished and if he drops something repeatedly, it will fall to the ground repeatedly. 

One of my favorite things he does involves me chasing him.  If he is on the floor in any room and I or my wife crouches down and start moving towards him like we are going to give chase, he flies into hysterics and tries scrambling away.  His hysterics in this setting are actually giddiness coupled with wide eyes and his infectious laugh.  When he tries scrambling way, giggling the whole time, he sometimes tries to move faster than his little hands and legs can take him.  It is so adorable to watch and be part of.  When either of us finally catch him, we normally end up tickling him which just sends his hysterics into full blown laugh mode.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I can't wait to see what he tries to do next.  For now, however, I will just watch, laugh, and love our little man.  This morning we shall see what this weekend holds.  I say that because we had planned to go camping again, however, with our son's late night antics, we are now debating (at least I am) staying home instead.  I know we shouldn't allow our son to screw with our schedule, but he is only 10 months old despite appearances and I would like to get a good night's sleep up in Vermont.  The decision will probably not be made for a few more hours so until that time, I will drink more coffee and get to my Friday morning meeting. 

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