This weekend, as almost every weekend, flew by way to quickly and here it is Monday morning and another week of work lays ahead. Despite the too short weekend, it was jam packed with activity. It all started Saturday morning with apple picking (as I am sure you guessed by the title of the blog today). Originally, my wife was planning on taking our son apple picking with some of our grandparents last weekend. However, when I heard of those plans, I said no. Its not that I didn't want them to go apple picking, its that I didn't want them to go apple picking without me. Back in July, on a weekend that I went up to Vermont to work on the pavilion by myself, my wife, son, and mother in law went blueberry picking without me. I saw pictures, but I wasn't there, and I would have liked to have been there. So now that its apple picking season, I definitely wanted to be there the first time our son picked his first apple off the tree. So we headed out first thing Saturday morning, arriving just after the orchard opened, to pick our first batch of apples. It was a perfect morning, temperature just right with abundant sunshine. We walked and walked, our son walking most of the way by himself, and got to the first row of trees. After picking a few, and handing our son one to eat along the way, a staple of picking your own apples, he got the hang of it and started looking for apples himself. The area where we first started didn't have too many apples on the lower branches so we headed for a different area, with different apples, and there were a plethora at his level. In addition to the ones at his level, there were also a ton at the tops of the trees. So, after having him hand his half eaten apple to my wife, I lifted him up and had him grab some of the big juicy ones at the top. He needed to use two hands to grab them, but he figured out quickly how to grab them, twist, and hand them down before picking more. It was a lot of fun and we managed to get a few good candid shots of him with an apple in his mouth and some with him wandering around, in his own world, enjoying apple picking season. We figured he would be tired, and about halfway home, he was passed out. I knew it wouldn't last long because we took my Jeep and my wife wanted to go driving so that she could re-learn how to drive a stick shift. Sure enough, as soon as we swapped seats in an industrial park and she started driving, he woke up. It was probably the bucking up and down, back and forth, that did it. To her credit, though, she got the hang of it pretty quickly as she had driven it before, and we were off and running for about half an hour, driving around and around, but never leaving the parking lots.
So that was our excitement on Saturday. On Sunday, I spent a little time with my son and wife, but for the most part, I worked on our son's new room. I finished up around 5 in the afternoon so I could spend some time with him before he went to bed. We were fooling around, playing hide and seek, and essentially just getting rowdy. Well, as I was sitting on the kitchen floor, tickling him, he lunged upwards unexpectedly and slammed his head into my lip, giving me a nice bloody lip. It took all the effort I had not to swear or lash out. I just grunted, pushed him away, and got up. Luckily, he is still small and doesn't have that much weight to him, so the bleeding stopped shortly after it started. However, after I went into the bathroom to check it out and make sure it wasn't too severe, he tried to deliberately head butt my wife. The second time was different than when he head butted me. He ran over to her, stopped, and then tried to whip his head back and slam it forward. My wife knew what was coming and was able to stop it before he did any damage. I did get a little upset, but I got over it soon enough because he is still young and probably doesn't fully understand what he did to me or how it hurt. I'm sure this head butting won't become a permanent activity, or at least I hope it won't, but if it does, I will figure out how to stop it when we get there. Outside of that, he is amazing to play with. With my schedule being the way it is right now, with work and also trying to get his room done one day a week, I don't get to spend nearly enough time with him as I or he would like. My wife says on the days when I don't come home before he goes to bed, he always wonders where I am and has a little harder time getting to bed. On those days, I do try and explain to him in the morning that I won't see him before he goes to bed, but its a long way off for him and he is not even two yet, so it must be tough. The longer days, or at least the ones where I don't make it home before his bed time won't last forever. The days are getting shorter and the amount of time I will be able to work outside before it gets dark is diminishing. Winter always affords me more time at home, which I love, and a little more time off. Work is crazy, though, and maybe this winter will be a little different. We shall see. All I know is that within a few months I should be home every day before our son goes to bed so I can at least see him more every day than I am now. With that said, he is now up and our day is about to get started. If I can, I will be back in the morning, however, I probably won't be home till late, so we shall see.