
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Morning of Screaming

Yesterday morning, as I opened up my blog to start writing, our little munchkin woke up screaming.  At first, it was the kind of scream where we thought he might fall back asleep, but it quickly morphed into a, "Get me up now, I want out of this crib" type of screaming.  So, with my blog open and my son screaming, I had a choice to make; get our son up and out of his room a half hour earlier than normal or start writing with him screaming and hope beyond hope that he falls back asleep.  I chose the first option, just get him up.  So he stopped screaming when I got into his room, we picked out his clothes for the day, and made our way downstairs.  He didn't want to go potty right away like we have been trying to get him to do.  No worries, we let him play as it was still early and he was just fine for about 10 minutes.  He sat in my lap, drank some milk, and then decided to throw the cup of milk onto the living room rug.  Well, that ended happy time at the Zamachaj household.  I told him that since he threw the milk, we would be going into the kitchen and staying there while I made breakfast.  From that point for about half hour afterwards, he essentially screamed his head off.  Nothing we did could placate him, he was cranky, ornery, and was trying to get away with things that he knew he shouldn't be doing.  At times, his screaming got so bad and he got so out of breath from screaming, I actually had to hold back a laugh.  He was eating a plum, screaming while eating the plum, and wanting other food that we told him he couldn't have.  It was a ripe disaster yesterday morning that I would rather not repeat for a while, actually, I would like to never repeat that.  But, we all have our bad days, and yesterday morning was definitely bad.  That is, it was bad until breakfast got put on the table and we started eating.  At that point, the screaming stopped and our angry little muffin turned transformed into the happy, carefree boy that we are used to on a regular basis.  Ah, the joys of being a parent.  At least I can laugh at the fact that he is screaming for no reason and doesn't know how to stop.  OK, so maybe it isn't even that funny for most of you, but if you were in my shoes, you would probably think it was a little bit funny. 
But beyond the screaming, our son is a pure bundle of joy to have around.  This past Sunday, my parents came over, my dad to help me on our son's new room and my mom just to hang out and watch our son while my wife got some stuff done and dinner cooked.  I had my ladder up to the roof in the front so I could replace a window and our son wanted nothing more than to climb the ladder.  He actually did pretty well on his own, however we didn't let him get that high as he is still not even 2 yet (although a few more weeks and he will be).  So instead of letting him climb up the ladder by himself, I picked him up and carried him up the ladder onto the roof.  Perhaps not the best idea in terms of showing him how to get up on a roof, but its not like he can move a ladder on his own yet, so I am not too worried.  There was no fear of climbing the ladder, only pure joy and excitement that he was getting to go up on the roof.  He absolutely loved it.  The look on his face was akin to someone who just saw Niagara Falls for the first time.  He was looking all around, at the cars going by on the road down below, at all the trees, at his grandmother standing down on the ground.  We didn't stay up there too long as I didn't want a random car driving by to get the wrong idea and call someone about my actions.  It was kind of funny though to see people do a double take when they saw a parent with his son up on a roof, just sitting there.  Of course, after we climbed down, all our son wanted to do was to climb the ladder, but the one time with me was enough.  As much as I love the fact that our son has very little fear of anything except strangers, it also worries me a little as I know that there will probably be many injuries during his lifetime.  My mother, on Sunday, relayed to me that our son is far more adventurous than I ever was.  I know what I was like and I am now thinking about placing our son in a plastic bubble.  Not really, but it would be funny for a day.  Outside of his fearlessness, he is expanding his vocabulary every day and his annunciation is getting better as well.  There are still a few letters that are tricky, but they will come in time.  Overall, I consider myself lucky to have such a wonderful son, and wouldn't have life any other way!  Till tomorrow, where who knows what the morning will hold, be well and be safe. 

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