
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Just Another Monday

I'm having one of those Monday mornings where everything seems to be taking longer to slip into functioning mode.  My alarm went off this morning, and despite my best effort to telepathically tell it shut off and go away, I had to manually hit the snooze button 3 times.  Yes, I gave myself an extra 27 minutes of sleep this morning, and still, it felt like I was waking up way too early.  Part of me wishes that I had "forgotten" to set my alarm last night.  To sleep in on a Monday morning would be glorious.  With two young children and a wife who is a high school teacher, those days are long gone.  I technically could sleep for another hour, but I like to wake up slowly, have some personal time in the morning with which to stare at a computer screen, discerning what I should write about.  This morning, there was nothing.  Staring at a blank screen was like looking into a mirror and seeing exactly what was going through my brain; nothing.  Nothing, nothing, nothing.  To be completely honest, there were a few little grains of thought that sparkled, but they were as elusive as lightning bugs and I just couldn't get a handle on them.  So I sat and stared, waiting for someone to either turn the switch on my brain and kick start my day, or for something else to happen.  I don't know what that something else is, but that is OK, I will survive.  

I have a very strong feeling that my lethargy on this early Monday morning stems from our incessant need to get things done around our house.  We were outside so much over the course of this weekend that our son actually asked to play inside at certain points on Saturday and Sunday.  I, of course, being an outdoor junky, secretly fumed at the thought of sitting inside on a day when the skies are nearly cloudless and a slight breeze is gently swaying the ancient oaks around our house.   Yet being inside gave me a chance to just sit and relax, watch our son and daughter playing, and think about what else I wanted to do outside.   So to compensate for not getting things done when watching our son and daughter, I work extra hard the rest of the time.  And when I do all of that and never rest, Monday mornings look like this. 

My first cup of coffee is still working its magic, or at least I hope it is, because I am still dragging.  My eyelids feel like they weigh a hundred pounds and to the best of my ability, I am writing something down here.  It may be nothing of value, but at least it is something.  I know what happens to me if I put off writing for more than a few days.  I eventually end up putting it off for a few more, then a few more, and then before I know it a few weeks have gone by and nothing has been written.  Writing, even for the sake of just hitting keys on the keyboard and forming sentences with some sort of meaning keeps the brain juices flowing.  OK, enough for today, my coffee cup is empty and I have nothing left to give.  Tomorrow, I shall wake up a new man with new found energy.  At least I hope I will.  

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