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Thursday, July 28, 2011

What About Vaccines?

Did you know that any child born today in the United States will receive over 150 shots by the time they are 18?  150 shots of mostly unknown substances pumped into their bodies, many in the name of medicine, and all purportedly to keep them "healthy".  For anyone who has had a child, you know that almost from the time your baby is born, doctors come in with needles ready to begin a lifetime of vaccination procedures, they say to "protect" the baby.  I would question how many of them actually know what is in the vaccines they are utilizing and how many, if they did know, would succumb to the same treatment they are forcing upon newborns and later on, children.  Even as adults, we are bombarded with new and "fantastic" vaccines to prevent against disease and illness, yet do they really work?  I could go on for a very long time about vaccines, the rights of parents and children, and the efficacy of them, but I will attempt to keep it brief.  For more information about vaccines, their efficacy, and the potential damage they can cause, please visit Dr. Sherry Tenpenny's website.   Lets start this whole topic off with some of the substances that can actually be found in vaccines. 

Most of us know that dangers of mercury, the substance that used to be found in old thermometers and the substance that governments across the world have spoken of the dangers.  Well, did you know that mercury, in the pharmaceutical industry known as Thimerosal, is found as a preservative in many vaccines?  It is in essence a neurotoxic substance that can endanger the lives of anyone who receives it.  Will everyone be affected by it?  No, but the fact that the danger is there, especially to young children and infants should be enough to send parents scrambling.  So what else can you find in vaccines?  How about formaldehyde?  Yes, it can be found as preservative in many vaccines as well despite the fact that it is most widely used to preserve the bodies of dead animals.  Now who reading this would readily drink a cup of formaldehyde?  I know I wouldn't, and granted, vaccines do not contain a cup's worth of formaldehyde in them, but it shouldn't matter how much or how little can be found in vaccines, it is there.  And I am not even close to done.  Before I move on however, let me just clue you in to one other ingredient found in most vaccines that I find abhorrent, aluminum hydroxide.  Yup, that wonderful substance aluminum that has now been found to speed up the onset of Alzheimer's disease can be found in almost every vaccine out there.  If you are interested, or scared for that matter to find out what else can be found in vaccines, please check out the following link to the Center for Disease Control website.  If you scroll down a little on the page, you will find two links, one to a list of ingredients sorted by ingredient and the other sorted by vaccine. 

So now that you know some of the ingredients in vaccines, are they really effective?  Our government would have us believe that they are.  Yet there have been studies done that show vaccines to be virtually ineffective at preventing against contraction of a disease.  One major disease from the early 20th century that vaccines were supposed to have helped eradicate was polio.  Yet if you dig deep enough and look at the facts, polio was already on the decline world wide when the vaccine was introduced.  Further, when the vaccine was introduced, there were two different symptoms that were considered to be polio, yet after the vaccine, only one was considered to be polio, an effort to prove the efficacy of the vaccine itself and reduce the number of polio cases.   More recent studies have shown that in outbreaks of measles, populations that had a higher rate of vaccination were actually more susceptible to contraction, illness, and death than populations with a very low or nonexistent vaccination rate (U.S. vs. Poland).  And does anyone know how the Raggedy Anne doll came into existence?  The doll was created after a parent's child was injected with a vaccine against his consent and consequently turned into a vegetable and died.  Morbidly depressing?  Absolutely, and for me, all this is enough to reject the use of any vaccine on a child.  Now you may be wondering, "I thought the government mandated vaccines to be given to every single child?"  They try, but it is not an absolute necessity...yet.  The government is attempting to relinquish every American's ability to live a life without toxic chemicals in there system, yet to date they have not succeeded. 

Currently, there are two options to save your child from a life of needles, chemicals, and useless vaccinations.  The first option is to get an exemption form based upon medical objections.  Basically, this method is more difficult than the second because it involves getting a pediatrician to sign a document saying that vaccinations will cause adverse effects in a child if given to them.   This is mostly given to families with a history of adverse reactions to substances commonly found in vaccines.  Try finding a pediatrician to sign this type of document.  I guarantee that you will be looking long and hard with very little, if any, success.  The second option is to get an exemption form based on religious objections.   This basically says that any vaccine to be given is in direct contradiction with your religious beliefs.  This option is much easier to utilize, although I guarantee that hospitals and pediatricians alike will not be happy with you for getting any sort of exemption form.  If you are interested, the following link goes to a site that has exemption forms for almost every state as well as a number of other countries.  With this exemption form in hand, any child does not need to be vaccinated in order to attend school, another fallacy that our government uses to promote the use and spread of vaccination.  So why, after reading all this information (I know it is a lot packed into a tight space), would anyone want to vaccinate their child or for that matter themselves?  There are many people out there who will flat out disagree with me and all the information that I have presented, but so be it, I am not asking anyone to buy my theory or drastically change their mentality about vaccines. 

The whole purpose of my writing this is to hopefully present some information that people can use a stepping stone to find out more about vaccines themselves.  I would sincerely hope that people would not just eat what our government feeds them as many do, but go out a do a little research on their own and find out the truth behind all the propaganda.  Pharmaceutical companies and our government will claim till the end of the world that vaccines are effective and that everyone should get them, but what about our free will?  Do we not have a choice about how to live our lives freely and decide what we put into our bodies?   The notion of free will is based upon us making educated decisions.  If we decide to go along for the ride and succumb to what everyone says, where does that leave us at the end of the day?  If our government told us it would be beneficial to our health to jump off a bridge, would we do it?  I would hope that we would question the basis of any claim the government makes and research it, yet unfortunately there are many people who will just go along for that ride, jumping off the bridge not knowing if there is water or rocks at the bottom.  Today, question everything, question your own beliefs, question the government, in fact, question everything you are told.  Do not just believe me because I present a number of links and purported facts, do your own research.  Live a little today and exact some freedom for yourself!  (And if you find this information to be disconcerting, depressing, but informative, pass the link to this post along.)

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