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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Occupy Movements Facing Police

So I have to get my two cents out there about the Occupy Movements across the country and the efforts of police to disperse them.   The protests across the country have remained peaceful for the most part which is tantamount to success.   It seems the only times that there have been waves of violence are when the police show up and try to disperse or control the actions of the protesters.  There have been numerous arrests in New York, most of them to my knowledge bordering on illegal.  The most recent ones in Oakland are a little more dubious in nature.  I must be honest here and say that I can understand both sides.  From what the authorities are saying, the main reason for the dispersal of the camp outside city hall was for unsanitary conditions, camping without a permit, and the increase of graffiti and litter.   If the protests are to remain unhindered, they must be run within the confines of the law.  There is no law preventing the protests from occurring in front of city hall all day, day after day, ad infinitum as long as they do not disrupt emergency services, pose a risk to anyone's health, and are peaceful.  Unfortunately, it seems like the protesters have crossed the line and created conditions that were ripe for their removal.  However, I feel that it is unlawful of the police to prevent them from returning so long as they do not set up another camp and create more unsanitary conditions.  All they have to do is go in waves.  By doing that, they would be able to maintain a presence in front of city hall, while keeping it clean, free of tents, and food debris.  And as much as everyone might find great disdain for the current government, it in no was gives people the right to cover buildings or anything else for that matter with graffiti.  The movement would gain much more traction if they could keep to their main purpose and not give the police a reason to move in and disperse them. 

It seems to me that there are two faces to this Occupy Movement, one that truly seeks to bring about change, and one that is simply along for the ride and will not remain within the confines of the law.   There are many laws out there that are dubious in nature and are seemingly there to make protesting difficult.  There is, however, a line between the laws that benefit the community as a whole, and those that are downright ridiculous and are essentially made to be broken.  In order to peacefully object to certain mandates or laws, one must know the laws that they are being bound by.  Those that are most successful in bringing to light the ridiculous laws are those that have done the research and are skirting the fine line between obeying and disobeying the law.  It seems when the line of the laws is being approached, more and more police are jumping over to arrest people before any law has even been broken.  This in my mind is bringing to light the fact that the police are essentially being told when to arrest people and when not to regardless of what the people are doing and in complete disregard for the law.  If the Occupy movements across the country truly wish to show their purpose, they must follow every letter of the law, go right up to the line that the law defines without breaking it, and see what happens.  Violence in any case should not be exhibited.  If police cross the line of their lawful jurisdiction when it comes to enforcing laws, people should by any means necessary, bring those injustices to light and press the police for answers on their seeming inability to fulfill their own obligations. 

The only path to change in my mind is a path that follows the proper course of action in terms of lawfulness and presses those in power to come up with answers to any questions people may have and offer solutions to the current crisis.  We have every right to demand answers from our elected officials, after all we are the ones that put them there.  They are obligated to serve all the people in this country, not just the select few who supply them with money to run their campaigns.  If they do not answer, then we need to fill the squares of this country with more and more people until they have no option but to change.   Currently, 89% of the population is dissatisfied with government, large and small.   Despite this, our government has not sought any meaningful change that would make a difference.  To truly upend our system, we must vote out every political candidate currently in office and start anew.  Will we end up with some scumbags in office?  Undoubtedly, but I guarantee that we will end up affecting change that will turn this country around and set in on the right track again.  We must seek out people for office that are currently not affiliated with any political party.  The Democrats and the Republicans have seen their day.  It is time to replace both parties and start anew.  Protest peacefully, abide by the laws, and change will come. 

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