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Saturday, May 14, 2011

The "Lone Wolf" Scare

Before I get started here, I want to apologize for not have a post up the last few days.  Thursday morning I had one all written out and Blogger ate it on me and yesterday I still couldn't log in.  Obviously the problems have been fixed because here I am typing away and hopefully this time, my post won't get eaten.  Anyway, since our killing of Bin Laden and ensuing disgraceful celebrations of his death, our country has been increasing its vigilance for terrorist activities, especially those that might be carried out by a "lone wolf", that horrific person, ticked off by our killing of Bin Laden, who will seek to wreak havoc on our way of life and destroy as many lives as possible.  If you ask me, I thought we already had increased vigilance and intel that was supposed to be preventing terrorist attacks.  Wait, they have been.  There was the attempt to blow up that plane headed for detroit that was thwarted, there was the attempt to set off a bomb in Times Square in NY that was thwarted, there was another bombing that was thwarted in Seattle, and most recently, a few men were stopped who were going to carry out an attack on a synogogue.  It seems to me that most of these are "lone wolf" scenarios.   So why all of a sudden is there a need to scare the public into being more vigilant, more skeptical of everyone around them, more afraid of traveling in public lest they die a horrific death at the hands of some terrorist. 

There is an article that talks about the increased vigilance across the country from local to state police in coordination with the FBI and HS.  It seems that there are multiple daily telephone conferences taking place between different police departments, increased patrols of densely populated areas including those "soft targets" like train stations and malls, and details being shared about what to do should something happen.  These police departments should already know what to do in an emergency.  There has been training for 10 years now since 9/11 in counter-terrorist tactics and how to identify "suspicious persons" and packages.   In addition, the government has released information that they supposedly gleaned from a treasure trove of intel at Bin Laden's compound (glorified word for a house that was attacked by the military) that some of the intended targets will be cities other than New York and Washington.   Oh my God, tell me it isn't so.  Really!  We just figured out that terrorists may attack other cities including smaller ones than NY and Washington?  So what has this done to the public's mentality?  It has pretty much thrown them back into the same mode they were in after 9/11, scare mode.  We have now re-attained our former level of skittishness in public, phoning in suspicious bags and packages inciting evacuations of train stations and other locales in addition to phoning in other false alarms around the country.  Even mayors of those smaller cities like Philly are getting scared into thinking that they might be attacked. 

Get out your guns and pitchforks, torches and lanterns, we must gaurd our children and protect the homeland!  Give me a freakin break.  If the government was doing what it was supposed to be doing (which it has for the most part as I pointed out before), then there would be no need to scare the public.  I am not going to comment on the government's motives, because frankly, I am not going to be the one to start any conspiracy theories about why the government is doing all of this.  Frankly, I think it is just a load of bull.  We wouldn't even be in this situation if we had just kept to ourselves in the first place, drilled more holes in own soil for oil, and not invaded foreign lands to try and secure our oil and energy future.  That is the main complaint of terrorists and was the main complaint of Bin Laden himself, that we injected ourselves into foreign affairs with bogus reasons and the main thing they wanted was for us to get out and stay home.  If we had just minded our own business from the get-go, maybe we wouldn't have to be scared about terrorists walking down our streets, stealing our babies, and bombing our shopping malls, arenas, and train stations.  Lets get freakin real, the more we play into the hands of our government, the more we give them control over our lives and how we live.   If we listened to everything the government said, we should probably just be sitting on our couches, watching the news, popping pills provided by health care, and getting injected with a vaccine to ward of the "terrorist bug". 

Ok, so maybe two days without writing on my blog as left me with a little pent up frustration, but I think that it is warranted.  As great as our country is, our government is run by a bunch of pigs and pidgeons.   Unfortunately, most of our country listens to whatever these pigs and pidgeons say without questioning.  If there was ever a doubt that the book 1984 would come true, let those doubts be squashed.   But what are we to do.  If the majority of us can't see through the veil of fog in front of our eyes, then we are all screwed because our government depends on the majority liking what they do.  And every election time, they throw out a little more fluff for us to feed on, getting themselves elected again so they can go back to their normal ways.  This whole "lone wolf" scare is a manifestation of their actions over the past number of decades.  Our government essentially brought terrorism to our doorstep and now they want us to be scared that enormous numbers of people will die because terrorists our mad that we killed Bin Laden.  Don't be fooled, if enormous numbers of us die, the blood will be at the hands of our government for starting this whole thing in the first place.  Lets get our troops home, stop meddling with Israel, and let countries deal with their own problems.  Lets focus on bringing jobs home for our unemployed, lets focus on reducing our deficit, lets focus on our own freakin country for once and lets not let our attention be diverted by these scare tactics proliferated by our government.  Today, I say,  enjoy yourself, say hello to a stranger instead of calling them in as a terrorist, and smile at everyone you meet.

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