
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Portable Internet for Dissidents

There are many countries, especially ones entrenched in protests and upheavals right now, that monitor and control the use of the internet in their countries.  For protesters and those that simply wish to share with the world what is going on in their country, there are new developments that will enable them to circumvent their countries formal internet.  There are a number of new projects currently being worked on ranging from new software that can be downloaded onto a phone or laptop that will enable wireless internet service without using the hardwired networks of a given country to an "internet in a suitcase" where a suitcase, innocent enough can be brought into a country and set up to provide immediate internet service to a given area.  With these new devices, countries will find it harder to monitor the activities and organizational efforts of protestors and even the general public.  This could eventually allow protests and efforts to remove officials from government to be more efficient and effective as governments will have less of an idea of when events are scheduled, where they will take place, and how many people will be involved.  The actual specifics of these current programs being worked on are way beyond my grasp, but to get a better idea of what is being built and how it will help, check out the article at the NYTimes.

These kind of efforts, where we are directly providing assistance to the populations of restive countries, are much more politically acceptable (at least to us) than sending in our military to support the populations of countries and assist in removing those in power.   When we send in our military, we often times end up complicating situations, stepping on the toes of one group or another, and more often than not, end up staying way too long.  By directly aiding the population with the technology and aid to more effectively counter their own government, we are taking a much safer stance.  We are directly assisting those considered dissidents in their country, freedom fighters in ours, which is what they want.  We are assisting them without direct intervention which provides them a much better sense of satisfaction when they are able to overcome their own government and effect change.   Just take a look at Egypt.  They were able to use the internet to organize themselves into a cohesive group to eventually force their president to step down and hand over the country to them.  Do they have a long road ahead in terms of forming a cohesive government based upon democratic ideals and freedom?  Absolutely, any transition between governments will take time and will not be easy.  If they ask for assistance in how best to form a democratic government, then we should give that advice and offer assistance, however we should not just step in and immediately tell them how to do things.   The United States is the champion of freedom, free speech, and the right to worship freely, however we should not be so bold as to immediately inject ourselves into every conflict that arises out of a lack of freedom.  Not to say that we do right now, only sometimes, but we should tread carefully in any future situation and make sure that we are recognized not as interventionists, but as a country that supports all those who desire freedom.

There are many changes that can be made as to how our country approaches different issues.  I know I have said before that especially in this current financial debacle that we are all dealing with, the US should focus more on itself and getting its economy back on its feet, but what distinguishes us from everyone else is our determination to help those in need and offer assistance to those that need it.  If we completely take away all the money that we give towards humanitarian aid, general foreign assistance, and the like, we would be taking a step away from who we are.   What I think we all need to do on a more personal level is help those around us in need.  If our country as a whole can support other countries and their poor, why can't we as individuals step up to the plate and help those who need it most, the poor and hungry in our own country.  There seems to be a distinctive lack of assistance to the poor and hungry in our own cities and towns.  There are many people with more money than they could ever know what to do with who don't help others worth a damn.  If everyone chipped in and tried to make a difference, a difference would be made and people's lives would be more on par with each other.  Today, help someone who needs it.  Whether it be helping someone picked up items they dropped, hold open a door for a lady, or give an extra dollar or two to the homeless.  

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