
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Shake Not Thy Harlem

So I have come to terms with the fact that this week I am very opinionated.  Perhaps it is because my head has been in a cloud this week from my cold, I don't know.  For whatever reason, it seems my filter for things that I should and shouldn't say has been diminished and I have no desire to put it back up till next week.  So today may seem like I am ranting a little, but I am perfectly OK with that from time to time.  I believe that the more we keep stuff bottled up inside, the more it ferments and affects our overall disposition.  So today, I let out at least one of my frustrations; and it all stems from Facebook.  If you couldn't tell by the title of my post (which I hope you could), I am getting a little put off by all the "Harlem Shake" videos that are being posted, re-posted, and re-posted again on Facebook.  Not that I have seen too many of them, but they just bother me for some reason.  Before I get too off kilter here and totally go off the deep end, let me say that I partially understand why people would want to do something as stupid as a group, but it doesn't make it pleasing to others.  I wouldn't even call it a phenomenon, because it is most likely just a fad, and the fact that there are so many videos out there of groups of people doing this Harlem Shake bothers me.  Its not like it is a well choreographed dance that inspires or moves one to watch more.  Its not even funny in the sense that it makes me laugh out loud (yes I just spelled that out).  To be honest, it seems more an attempt for people to do something in a unique way that will bring them their 15 minutes of Internet fame, and for the most part, they fizzle to a dud.  There is nothing attractive about this shake, the music isn't good (by musical standards), and most of the people doing the shake are abysmal at it.  To be perfectly honest, I have watched only two videos of it, and I will not watch any more.  In fact, I will even go so far as to say that if I catch any of my "friends" on Facebook in one of these videos, I will be de-friending you, not because I don't like you, but out of principal. 

There was one funny moment in regards to all this "shaking" going on that actually made me chuckle, not because of anything I saw, but in regards to a news story.  This story was out of Australia and to sum it all up, a group of gold miners decided it would be a good idea to film themselves doing the "Harlem Shake" down in the mine they were working in.  The good idea they had turned into the worst idea they had as all the participants were fired from their jobs paying 6 figures.  That made me chuckle.  The fact that a group of men (I am assuming it was men) decided to do a stupid "shake" while working and faced the worst reprecussion possible, losing their job, just drove home the point of how idiotic people can be.  There is no concern anymore for one's job or any possible reprecussions beyond potentially getting 15 minutes of fame; someway, somewhere, somehow.  Don't get me wrong, it sucks that these men lost their jobs, but they deserved it.  It seems that anyone, anywhere, with a notion or idea of something ludicrous, funny, stupid, brilliant, what have you can attempt to get their 15 minutes of fame with a camera and the internet.  Most get no where.  Only the truly unique and original succeed.  Once there is something original and unique on the internet, it is copied ad nauseum till people finally realize that nothing can beat the original.  Perhaps if people invested more time in what they are actually good at than trying to replicate something done hundreds of times, they would be more successful.  Or maybe they should just sit by the sidelines, realize that they are not cut out for internet fame, and watch and laugh.  Well, people will be people, guided not by their consience these days, but more by social media and what is hip and hoppin.  I for one, will be merely an observer, watching and laughing at the stupid videos that circulate the web.  Occasionally there is a good one (not of the Harlem Shake) but for the most part they are just feeble attempts at grandeur. 

Speaking of things circulating on the web, I have another bone to pick with some other recent trends on Facebook.  One is the vain attempt to gain popularity by having children or someone hold up a horribly hand written sign saying that if they get one million "likes" they will get a new puppy, or it will give them a priviledge they previously didn't have, or it will allow them to go to the bathroom more than once a day.  Seriously, if someone could explain to me in one sentence what the point of those pictures is, I will give you a "like" on Facebook (not really, just being ironic).  But wait, I'm not done ranting yet.  Lets talk about those sayings with an old fashioned drawing on it about women, or men, or kids, or mothers, or fathers, or a dog, or fireflies, or fish.  They drive me up a wall.  Do people seriously have nothing better to do with their time then circulate this nonsense?  People post these on their walls as if it is the perfect saying that defines them.  Really?  What defines a person is not a saying, its not a picture, it is how they act around other people and the only way we can truly see what another person is like is by actually being around them, not by viewing their Facebook profile.  If people looked at my Facebook timeline, they would probably think that all I do is write my blog post and that my life is totally unfascinating, boring, I don't have enough pictures online, I don't share anything, I am a dud when it comes to social media.  Well, I am OK with that.  There is no driving desire within me to become an internet sensation or to try and paint a picture for all my friends of my life.  If they don't know what I am doing in my life, then are they truly a "friend"?  Probably not, they are more an aquaintance than anything else.  But such is the way of the world these days.  For now, I am done, I have nothing left to rant about, and I promise, next week will be different.  For now, I am out of here, off to get my son out of his crib and get my day started on a positive note; giving my son a kiss. 

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