
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Ebb and Flow of Life

I think that we can all agree that life has its highs and its lows, its crazy times and its calm times.  For some, the transition between the ups and downs, craziness and calm, can happen more quickly and more frequently than for others.  Some of months of craziness followed by months of calm while others transition between the two within a matter of weeks or even days.  I'm guessing that by this point you have already guessed that I will eventually be talking about my life, and in that assumption, you would be correct.  Its hard to track in my own life when I transition between the crazed moments and the calm ones as they seem to happen on the flip of a dime.  I could be coasting along quite nicely, working on one job for a while, everything settled at home, when things suddenly take a turn for the maniacally fitful insanity that can become my life.  At times it seems I only get bits and pieces of calm for a day or two before returning to the insanity.  Other times, it drags on much longer.  To be honest, the middle of my day, between the time I leave for work (between 7 and 8 A.M.) and the time I get home (between 5 and 8 P.M.) nothing is ever certain.  I may have a set place I am going to, but even when I am there, nothing will definitely stay the same.  I think that the only thing that keeps me somewhat balanced and able to remain on my rocker is the rhythm of my early mornings and late evenings.  I have a somewhat regimented schedule that I follow in the mornings and a lesser one in the evenings, but it is a schedule that allows me to focus, to regain my composure if you will, and make it through the rest of the day relatively unscathed and not too much worse than when I started.  If something doesn't flow smoothly in the mornings, it can undo a good chunk of the rest of my day.  Not all the time, but if I am tired and things go askew, then I will be most likely permanently impacted till I go to bed.  But such is my life, I work for myself, I have a son who is 20 months old, and life is what it is; crazy.  I know I don't have the craziest life out there by any means, yet sometimes I find it amazing that I can remain intact and sane rather than going off the deep end.  Yesterday felt like one of those days where I was teetering precariously on the edge, one big wind gust away from taking the plunge, however, that gust never came and I pulled myself slowly back. 
So I started off the day knowing that I would be going to see my grandmother, Baba, in the late afternoon.  There was much to do before that, however, and that's where it got a bit crazy.  As it was extremely wet in the morning due to the preceding evening's rain, I knew I wouldn't be able to paint outside till the afternoon, which was already booked.  So I went to the job in Woodbridge I will be finishing today, checked out my carpenter's work and what was getting done, and then headed to an interior job in Milford, about 25 minutes away.  About the time I got to Milford, it started clearing up and I began to doubt my decision not to stay in Woodbridge and get something done.  Yet, I reminded myself that everything was saturated with water and with the high humidity, probably wasn't dry enough to do anything with.  So I remained in Milford and got to work.  After almost 2 hours of working there, I got a call from one of my buddies, another contractor, about going to check out an exterior job and quote it for painting.  As I try to keep my schedule flexible, especially when it comes to new work, I said I could be there around lunch time.  So I worked for a little while longer and then headed up to Oxford to look at yet another exterior for the summer.  The gentleman was really nice and I ended up talking to him for about 45 minutes, not entirely about the job, but just about life in general.  Once I finished up there, it was time for me to head down to Bridgeport to help out my brother with his new house he just bought.  Kudos to him, he bought a 3 family house and will be renting out 2 of them to cover the mortgage.  This at the age of 24.  That being said, he is not the most knowledgeable when it comes to working around the house and he needed some help replacing a few windows that were broken.  Luckily the ones we were replacing were already replacement windows so the task wasn't overly difficult.  I showed him how to replace the windows, chit chatted a little more, and then cleaned up to head down to Westport to visit my grandmother, Baba.  After last week and her refusing to eat for almost the whole week, I was a little worried about the condition that I would find her in.  To be honest, I feared that she didn't have that much time left as of last Thursday and I entered with minor trepidation.  I had heard she ate her dinner the night before, but didn't know what kind of effect it would have had on her.  Well, she looked a hundred times better than she did last week.  She was coherent, she was watching the news, her eyes were fully open, and her speech wasn't sluggish. 
Needless to say, I internally breathed a big sigh of relief.  We talked at length for about an hour, nothing substantial, but the fact that we could actually talk and I could understand what she was saying was an enormous improvement over last week.  Its amazing how necessary food is to life.  Most of us don't realize the effect that going without food has on us.  It was really tough to see her last week after not eating for a few days.  Hopefully she continues to eat her food and keeps up her energy so her leg can heal.  Then, seeing as traffic was still horrible, I stopped by a friend's house in the area for a little bit before making the trek back home.  My wife has been a little tired lately and didn't feel like cooking dinner or getting our son's lunch ready, so I grabbed a pizza on the way home.  Then, after eating dinner, I got my son's lunch ready and lo and behold, it was 9 P.M.   But my day wasn't done there, I headed out to our garage for about on hour to work on projects there before finally heading to bed around 10:30.  Such is my crazy life.  Constantly changing, never the same, yet definitely exciting.  I will say that it takes a great deal of flexibility on my part to get through every day without freaking out.  Sometimes I get close to the point of freaking out, yet most times I manage to back myself away from that point.  As for today, all I know for certain is that this evening I will be embarking on a new venture, voice over.  I am going to get a demo tape made and see if just can't break into the voice over world.  After hearing dozens and dozens of people over the past few years tell me I should do something with my voice, I am finally taking a step towards doing that.  We shall see how it all pans out, but I need that demo tape first.  Then my life my take a turn for the even crazier.  Hopefully better, but most likely crazier.  Ahh, coffee, you are the life line that keeps me going.  Never leave me coffee, never leave me please!

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