
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Taking a Back Seat

No, I haven't disappeared off the face of the planet due to some government conspiracy that swept me discreetly into some locked cell in a bunker deep in the sand hills of Nebraska.   As much as that would make for more interesting news and a story that could only be told through a censored document, I haven't gone anywhere or been taken by anybody.   Rather, life has veered towards becoming vastly more crazy.   In the craziness, I have decided that for Christmas, I would like nothing more than the gift of more time.  If we could somehow figure out how to make days 26 hours long instead of 24, I could at least get some more sleep.  Its not like I would try to fit more work into a day (although I probably would), the best thing would be for me to take those extra two hours and just sleep a little more.  However, we have not yet figured out how to disrupt the time/space continuum in such a way as to allow us to get a few more hours of sleep each day.  As such, I have not had the wherewithal to actually get my fingers to typing and forming coherent sentences in the early morning hours.  Rather, my mornings have been occupied by reading the news and talking to my wife.  Reading the news has not made me a better person by any means.  It has made me more informed, and as the alternative to writing, it has been easier on my brain.  Over the past few weeks, while I normally pride myself on waking up with my alarm, I have actually turned it off and kept on sleeping a few times.  Perhaps I need to slow down some, but then again, I figure that since I am young, I can push myself a little harder and still recover.  I know, I know, those days will come to an end eventually, but for now, I will take advantage of my relative youth and push on with long days and short nights of sleep.  So why has my life taken a turn towards the crazy and insane.  Well, there are a couple of reasons as to why.  The first being that I now have only two weeks left to finish the room for our son before we have to move him in.  I have my deadline of Christmas to finish the room so that he can be in there for at least a month before the new baby comes into the world.  Needless to say, there is still a bit of work to get done before he can move in.  The floor is down, the walls are sheet rocked and almost fully taped, most of the trim is up, and yet, there is still work to do. 
So that is only the first reason my life has turned towards the crazy and insane.  On top of trying to finish his room before Christmas, I have been getting a slew of calls for new bids on work, and I have been having trouble just trying to keep up with those.  Then there is trying to find the balance between satisfying customers by getting the work done, spending enough time with family, and also finishing our son's room.  I have been doing OK at find the balance between family and work on both his room and regular work, however the balance between regular work and his room has been harder to find.  While I know that it is necessary to get our son's room done soon, I am also torn by the fact that I still need to make money to pay the bills.  A conundrum yes, but one that will eventually sort itself out.  Regardless of the balance in my life, which teeters every day, I will be making an effort to taking my writing off the back seat and push it back to the front of my early morning daily routine.  Even if it is just a paragraph, short and sweet, I will do my best to write every morning.  There is much I have to share, especially about our son and his changes, but also, I just need to start writing again so that I don't forget how.  I know I am making it sound like I have taken months or even years off from writing when it has only been a couple of weeks, but since I have started this blog, I haven't taken that much time off from it yet.  I figure if I don't get back to it, I probably never will and then I will have to kick myself in the ass for not keeping up with it.  But anyway, that is quite enough for today as I need to kick the rest of the my crazy Monday into high gear and get my family ready.  Cheers and hopefully I'll be back here tomorrow.

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