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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Disturbing Case of Casey Anthony

I will be perfectly honest with everyone reading this right now, I know very little about Casey Anthony or her trial.  That being said, what I do know is that she was suspected of murdering her 2 year old daughter, was tried for murder, and subsequently acquitted, able to walk away a free woman.   I do know a few other bits of information but I don't really feel like wasting my mental energy dredging those bits up to the fore front of my consciousness.  Here is what I do know, this whole Casey Anthony murder trial and ensuing public pursuit of her whereabouts is downright disturbing.  Have people nothing better to do with their lives than search for a woman who received a fair trial and was acquitted of charges?  Obviously not as nearly three weeks after the verdict was delivered, the search for her continues.  This does not just include the public, but the media as well as they flock to any reported sighting of her and attempt to verify if it actually is the elusive, Casey Anthony.  Personally, I hope she is enjoying herself on some tropical beach, sipping a cocktail and laughing at all the pathetic people who have made it their job to search her out and eek out their own form of justice.  Whether or not you agree with the verdict of the trial (I have no opinion because I don't care), she was acquitted by a jury of her peers and as such should be allowed to live her life as she deems fit.  By attempting to search her out and question her, we are in essence saying that the justice system in this country is broken and needs fixing, or rather, we viewed the trial with a pre-conceived notion of what should happen and regardless of the verdict, perpetuate that notion as if we are the ultimate judge and jury ourselves.  To me, its all a bunch of bull.  Entertain for a minute the notion that she is actually innocent and put yourselves in her shoes.  How would you feel being followed around day and night because people want to see justice meted out according to their own personal verdict?  If I was in her shoes, I would be pretty ticked off. 

Haven't we much more important things to be concerned about than the outcome of a trial that affects one family?  Its not like Casey Anthony is the mother of every child in the United States.  We have wars going on across the world, people dying every day from hunger, and an economic crisis that just won't go away.  You would think that with all the events in the world that have a much greater impact on our lives we would pay a little more attention to them, such as the laughable battle between Rep. and Dem., and perhaps try to make a difference elsewhere.  Don't get me wrong, the fact that a 2 year old died is horrible, but the fact of the matter is, her dying has little to no effect on anyone else outside her family.  For people across the country to get so incensed about this trial is insane.  It really bothers me that so many people have glued themselves to the TV and Internet following this trial and are pretty much wasting their lives and time on it.   I try to maintain the view that people have more potential within themselves than they are portraying right now with this trial, the media included.  That view is slowly deteriorating as weeks go on and talk about Casey Anthony won't go away.  If she was in fact guilty, she will be made to to pay at some point, but it shouldn't be at the hands of the public or the media.  Take a look at a few more famous incidents in the past.  O.J. Simpson was acquitted and where is he now, in jail for a very long time on charges totally unrelated to the original trial.  Al Capone, one of the most notorious mobsters of the early 20th century served no time for murder or any mob related activity, but rather for tax evasion.  Let history run its course and see where Casey Anthony ends up in 20 years.  

I for one think its time to put aside our petty fetish interest in the lives of others and concern ourselves with ourselves and the events that effect us directly.   This is slowly becoming the case of the missing Bigfoot; "where has Casey Anthony gone".  There is some humor in this as some people and states are messing with the public and media placing Casey Anthony look alikes at fairs and claiming she is somewhere when she really isn't.  They at least see the insidious idiocy that has abounded after her trial ended.   Its time to move on people and get back to living your own lives.  How much time has been dedicated to following this trial and pursuing Ms. Anthony by individuals that could have been dedicated instead to raising their own children or perhaps bettering themselves?  Too much is my answer.  It is wasteful and utterly disgraceful.  Maybe instead of pursuing her, these people should pursue the lying politicians that they elected into office and sent to Washington.  For all the claims that these politicians made about being against increased spending and earmarking, they are doing a hell of a lot of it.  But more on that tomorrow.  For today, turn off the TV that is glued to whatever station is searching for Anthony and close your computer with your programs to track supposed flights she might be on and live a little bit.  Involve yourself with others around you, those that can impact your life directly, and spend some time worrying about your own children, not the 2 year old who died a few years ago and hopefully is in heaven by now.

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