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Friday, August 26, 2011

Down With Rick Perry

OK, so as much as people may not like to talk about politics, get involved, or otherwise pay attention to what is happening in D.C., I have to get back to talking about politics in this Friday post.  If you have been reading this blog, you probably know that I have absolutely no use for our current bunch of politicians.  I have been known to call them lying bastards (a couple of days ago) and other less than savory terms.  Well, to prove my point about them being lying bastards, I want to talk about Rick Perry today, the Texas governor who is now attempting to run for president.  According to him, government as we now know it is too big and that is the country's biggest problem.  Yet, if you look at the facts behind what he is saying and his current track record in Texas, you might see a different picture.  Currently in Texas, there are over 600 boards, commissions, departments, etc; most of which are unnecessary and are in fact a drain on the system.  Many of the appointed positions in these government areas have been given to financial backers of, wait, you guessed it, Rick Perry.  More than a fifth of the $83 million dollars that Perry has raised for his campaigns for governor have come from people in these appointed positions.  Its funny that when you donate money to the governor, you get a nice cushy, government appointed job.   Not really funny, I know, but what makes it even better is that if you have an appointed position, you must maintain loyalty to the governor or else he will replace you.  Sounds like bribery to me or a step back into the dark ages of serfdom.  For more of these depressing details about how Rick Perry runs his Texas government, follow this link.  If you want to track some of the money as it makes it way into Rick Perry's hands, follow this link.

Maybe its just me, but the way government in Texas is run seems highly absurd and borderline illegal.  Yet despite being borderline illegal, Perry has managed to skirt the system and keep himself out of trouble somehow.  All that this means is that he knows the laws about campaign finance and knows exactly how much he can do or not do to remain in office.  This is not an innovative man with plans to change our country, this is power hungry megalomaniac whose only purpose in life is to remain in public office and scam whichever state or country he works for out of more money.  Simply the fact that he requires absolute loyalty if you want to keep your job is utterly insane.  What makes this even funnier is that he calls himself a Christian.  Really?  To me its just another lie stacked on top of a whole shelf of lies that Rick Perry can pull down at will and spit out to the public.  A couple of weeks ago, Rick Perry actually held a prayer rally to pray for America in its time of hardship.  I'm sorry, but as much as America might need prayers, who the hell is a state governor to set one up and run one.  As far as I know, there is a separation of church and state, yet somehow Rick Perry figured out how to do it legally so he couldn't get sued (atheists actually tried suing him).  It seems to me that the prayer rally was just another ploy of his to increase his public exposure so that he has a better shot of winning the Republican nomination for president.  It would be better for America to rid themselves of this lying bastard and deport him to Mexico so he can run that country.  We have no use for him here.

Is there some sort of code that one must adopt upon becoming a politician that says, "I will lie to get where I am going, and damn it if someone gets hurt along the way"?  If you look deep enough at any politician, you will find something that they lied about.  Critics may say that everyone lies so what is the difference when a politician lies.  The big difference is that they represent more than just themselves when they take on the role of a politician.  If they lie in their personal lives, who cares, but when it comes to public life and representing constituents and citizens that elected them, there is no place for lying.  Granted, I am highly hopeful that something will change, lying will become a thing of the past, and politicians will become good people.  It seems that what we are running into when we vote for president is choosing between who lies the least and who will swindle our country the least.  Perhaps the worst of the lying bastards could be Rick Perry, although I haven't researched any other candidates so who am I to say.  All I do know is that Perry is no good for this country, has been no use for Texas, and for all intensive purposes, should convert to being a hermit and disappear into the mountains where he has no effect on anyone.  Am I passionate about this?  A little, but I can't stand when I hear politicians make claims that groundless, in fact, the facts go completely against them.  For everyone's sake in this country, let us hope that enough Americans realize the tragedy we would be inflicting upon ourselves if Rick Perry were elected as president.  I don't know yet who would make a good one, but he is not it.

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