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Friday, September 9, 2011

A Post for the Coffee Drinkers

Who reading this has woken up only to find that their coffee maker has ceased to function properly?  The light still goes on, but no water drips through?  Or maybe it just doesn't turn on at all.  Well, this morning is one of those mornings for me.  As I write this, I can hear my coffee maker in the background trying to pump the water to no avail.   It clicks every few seconds in an attempt to work, but nothing happens.  Luckily, I have a dual coffee/espresso maker which has two separate sides (the espresso side always seems to work), so I am not as bad off as some people might be in this situation.  Also, if I really wanted to, I have saved a simply drip coffee maker and store it in a very convenient location just in case a situation like this arises.  I think today, however, I might just stick with my espresso, or maybe I will make myself a cappuccino.  Regardless, this is not the first time that my "not so cheap" coffee/espresso maker has had this problem.  The first time it was under warranty it got fixed for free.  The second time, it was after warranty, but since it was the exact same problem, the company was nice enough to take care of it again.  This time, I can only hope that they will be as nice as they were last time and see that for some reason, this coffee maker is screwed up and no matter what they do to fix it, the fix doesn't seem to last.  For now I will hold off on mentioning the name of the manufacturer to see if they will cover the cost of repairs again, if not, trust me, I will advocate against ever buying from this company again.

So you may be wondering, why am I complaining?  Didn't I wake up this morning, alive and breathing with a roof over my head and lights that function properly?  Yes, I did, and to be honest with you, this is just one of those times, tired and coffee deprived, where my frustration has gotten the better of me and I have chosen this avenue to vent my frustration.  Trust me, after I am finished venting, my day will be good and I probably won't complain anymore.  But until I get a sufficient amount of coffee flowing through my system and some breakfast in my ravenous stomach, I will be a little ornery.  Now, I understand that not every machine can work perfectly and that sometimes there are flaws that can be fixed, but when a machine stops working three times and it just happens to be the same exact problem, I start having problems.   Even if the company covers the cost of repairs, it will still mean I have to drive twenty minutes out of my way to drop off the coffee maker, wait a few days for it to be fixed, and then go drive another twenty minutes one way to pick it up.  Granted, 20 minutes is not that far, but that's one way and 40 minutes to get a coffee maker fixed and then 40 minutes to pick it up adds up.  On top of that, I find it kind of ironic that the coffee maker I keep on reserve in the basement is over 8 years old, cost $20.00 and still functions properly (except for not making as much coffee as there is water in the tank).  I thought that normally when you spent money on what is supposed to be a high quality machine that it would last for many many years.  Well, a little clue in on how long this one lasted before starting to have problems 1 year.  The first time it had an issue was within a year of purchasing it. 

In any case, my venting has reached it limit, partly because I took a break halfway through writing this to make myself a couple of espressos.  My venting may be over, but my frustration is still simmering for now, mostly because I value my coffee in the morning and as much as I love espresso, its a little more complicated to make than regular coffee, not that much, but in the morning at 430 when all I want to do is simply start my coffee, I don't want complications.  Complications are supposed to arrive later in the day when I am better prepared to handle them.  I know, with a baby on the way, I better get used to complications arising at any hour of the day.  But for now, my issue is with my coffee maker, that machine offering perpetual wakefulness at the touch of the button (provided it works properly).  And no, I don't want a Keurig single serve coffee maker.  I enjoy my fresh ground coffee every morning, the smell that wafts through the air, and that hot fresh black liquid that jump starts my day.  For now, if you are a coffee drinker, have a cup for me in sympathy for my malfunctioning machine and if not, just go about your merry way laughing at me because I depend on coffee to start my morning.  Hopefully this issue will get resolved quickly and I will be back to my normal routine with my normal coffee maker and my normal schedule of waking up. 

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