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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wayseer's, Challenging the Mold

The other day I was having a conversation with a friend and at the end of it, he suggested I check out the Wayseer Manifesto.  He didn't give me much information about it except that it was uplifting, motivating and simply that I should look it up on the internet.  Well, having my interest piqued, I googled it and found the video he was talking about.  There is an actual website for it at www.wayseermanifesto.com, or you can simply search for it on YouTube.  So if you haven't taken a break from reading this post to check it out, what is this Wayseer Manifesto?  Simply put, it is for those who challenge the mold, those who do not fit into a pre-determined spot in society, for those who see beyond the BS that circulates through our world.  So maybe it is not that simple, but it resonated with me (not that I am going to sign up for it, buy the book, or pay a monthly fee to be part of it).  To get a better understanding of what it is, you just have to check it out, but I don't want to talk specifically about the wayseer's today, I want to talk about people challenging the mold, challenging what society expects of them and moving beyond it.   I for one have always been somewhat of a non-conformist, that person who goes against what people expect them to do and goes the opposite direction.   I have never been a big fan of rules and tend to question almost everything.  Why does there have to be one given way to achieve something, one way to follow in order to attain success or enlightenment.  Each person has there own beliefs, but I find that many do not question those beliefs or seek to find their own way of attaining their goals. 

For an example, (and I may have used this before at some point but,) society would have us believe that the best way to be successful in life is to get a college education, get a degree, and get a high paying job with which we will be able to afford to buy ourselves happiness.  Who reading this believes all of this to be true?  And furthermore, who reading this has subscribed to this notion that and followed it through only to find that maybe money is not the answer to happiness and being successful does not solely depend on getting a college education and a degree?  Do not get me wrong, for many, a college degree is worth it and if this is what makes them happy, then kudos to them, but I feel that there are many out there who feel like there are other options for them.  Why does anyone have to fit a specific mold or pattern?  I would say that no one does, that there is no specific path that is the right path for everyone.  Society would have us believe there is because it is easier than saying that there is a different path for everyone to follow.  Well guess what, society is not always right, in fact I would say they get things about half the time.  So why if society is wrong half the time do the majority of people still subscribe to its policies and notions?  Because it is easier than figuring out who we truly are, what makes us tick, and why we act the way we act. 

Figuring out who we truly are is a lifelong process that constantly changes as we grow older.  I would argue that we never truly figure out who we are.  We may get a damn good idea after a while and some may get really close to truly being themselves, but as human beings, we are complicated, evolving, developing.  The only way to find out who we truly are is to cast aside society's notions and look deep within ourselves.  Scary as it may be at times, it is necessary if we are to attain true happiness and inner peace.  We must be willing to allow our impulses to come to the surface, to be made public so that we can better understand them ourselves.  (Unless of course it is the impulse to cause harm to others in which case we should keep that under control).  We are taught that those that act impulsively are not in control of themselves.  I would argue that those that act impulsively are really being true themselves, to the underlying current within them that drives them every day.  By denying our impulses to do things, we are denying a part of who we are.  (I am not talking here about our impulses to drink excessively, go on shopping sprees, etc.)  The impulses I am talking about are those that cause us to throw aside work for a day because it is beautiful out and we would rather be hiking.  If this is a recurring impulse, then maybe you are in the wrong line of work.  Perhaps working in the outdoors would be better for you.  But many times, that impulse is sequestered, pushed down below the surface where it festers and causes disappointment or depression. 

Whatever we do in life, the highest calling we can all achieve is to challenge the mold, to challenge what is expected of us and disregard the criticism we may receive for doing so.  There will be many who I am sure will balk at what I am saying.  That's all right, for all those who choose to stay in their mold, I hope it works out all right for you.  As for me, I go with the winds of change.  I choose to follow my impulses and strive to figure out what is right for me, not what society deems is right for me.  I only hope that more people can see who they are and figure it out.  I may never figure myself out, but I am OK with that, as long as I have made the attempt.  If I ever stop trying to challenge the mold, I hope someone will slap me and wake me up to life again.  There is so much more to us than meets the eye, so much more than we could ever hope to understand, but unless we try to understand, we can never move past our place in life and achieve something more.  Wherever you find yourself in life, I hope that you take some time today to do something impulsive (constructively impulsive), something to break yourself out of your own mold, whatever that may be.  Cast aside society today and live a little freer.  Breathe some fresh air and be yourself, not what others want you to be.

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