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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

To Celebrate or Lament

Have you noticed these days that more and more people dwell on the negative aspects in their life?  Why do people torment themselves by perpetuating negative events and keeping them at the forefront of their daily lives?  No matter who we are, we all have things that go wrong during the day from losing our keys to dropping our cell phone in a puddle to getting in a car crash.  We never know what will happen to us on any given day.  When these things go wrong for us, there are a good number of people who continually wish things were better, wish something didn't happen, or wish things would turn around for them.  The ironic part is, people spend so much time focusing on the things that send a day spiraling down the tubes that they completely overlook the good things that happen.  Or when something good does happen, it isn't good enough to pick them up out of the doldrums.  With the good that does come along, people like to try and figure out ways to make it better for themselves; they dissect what happened, analyze it from every angle, and constantly seek out ways in which the outcome could have been better.  Whatever happened to simply enjoying the good things that do come along, celebrating them, lifting those events up above all that is negative or bad in a person's day or life?  When something good does happen, we should take a few moments to enjoy it and simply let the event stand by itself instead of immediately analyzing it.  In this day and age, nothing ever seems to be good enough, things could always be "better".  But I ask you, "better" by whose standards, a person's own standards or those held by others?

Lets take weddings for example, one of the most joyous celebrations of a good, positive event that we will experience in our lives.  These days, people feel the need to have lavish, over the top weddings or they aren't deemed good enough.  People need the best flowers, best venue, best dress, etc.  If these parts of the wedding don't measure up, people are often left with a slight feeling of disappointment, an empty feeling, a desire for more.  Why is it so hard to simply celebrate a wedding as the union of two people, regardless of the objects that supposedly make the wedding.  The only important part of the wedding is the couple getting married and the people there to support them, everything else is trivial.  The same holds true for any type of party.  There is a constant desire to make sure enough people show up, the food is good enough, that people are having a good time when they are there.  Let events unfold as they will and enjoy the fact that people are coming to spend time with each and have a good time.  Even simpler, what about two people just have a good, down to earth conversation.  Too many people these days are an guard to make sure they say the right thing, smile enough, etc.  It should be enough for people to just be themselves and celebrate the fact that they can spend time with another person, connect with them, and understand them on a deeper level.  Good positive events come in all different forms, it is up to us to recognize them for what they are and celebrate them. 

Society it seems, at least to me, is teaching us how to always look for the bad in every situation, lament it, and wish it were better.   No matter what happens, there is always something negative that we can dwell on.  Conversely however, there is always something good happening that we can dwell on as well.  In the overall scheme of things, we are all only here for a short period of time.  Why then fill our life with negativity and lament?  It seems that by doing so, we will never be satisfied with what happens and will always have regrets at the end of the day.  Life is a gift and we should celebrate every aspect of life;  celebrate the fact that we woke up and get to live another day, celebrate the fact that we are all unique with vastly different gifts to offer the world, celebrate the fact that the sun rose and cast the world in brilliant hues of color.  We only have one life to live, why fill life with regrets when there is so much we can celebrate.  It is time for people to get over everything bad, stop lamenting it, and start celebrating the good.  No matter how bad something may seem, there is always some good that will come out of it.  No matter what type of curve ball life throws our way, we can always pick ourselves up and find the good again.  I will re-iterate my favorite short saying because I feel that it is universally adaptable to every situation:  "Carpe Diem" - seize the day...and celebrate.

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