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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Where to Get a Job

Listening to the complaints of the Occupy Movements across the country, it seems that one of the major complaints that people have is that there are no jobs out there, especially for those with college degrees.  Why is that the case?  People can complain all they want about not having adequate jobs, but what is the root cause of the disappearance of jobs in this country?  I talked last week about greed being the root cause of many of the problems we are now facing, not just in this country, but in countries across the globe.  That plays into the main problem with jobs.  There is an increase of companies who are sending work to foreign countries in order to lower costs and reap more benefits for themselves.  When jobs are sent over seas, the cost of the product does not reflect the cost of production.  The increased profit goes directly to the pockets of those who run the companies and made the decision to send the jobs over seas in the first place.  That in my mind speaks directly to greed and its effects.   There is no incentive for companies to keep jobs in this country.  There are many methods that could be utilized to provide incentives to these companies, but seeing as government is controlled by big money, those incentives aren't even on the bargaining plate.  So back to the complaint that there are no jobs to be had.  I will admit that the number of available jobs has diminished, but there are still jobs available for those willing to travel and to lower their standards. 

I have talked to managers of local stores and there is a general consensus that people don't want to work at a job that they are over qualified for.  If someone has a degree in computer engineering, they will most likely wait for a job in their field to open up, they will not go looking for simply any job.  Similarly, those on unemployment have gotten to comfortable with their situation and would rather remain on unemployment than find any job to bring in income.  One example of jobs to be had is in Alabama.  While I do not support the recent immigration laws imposed there, they have opened up a whole slew of jobs that most Americans don't want.  Those jobs entail working hard hours in a field picking crops.   Why aren't Americans stepping up to the plate, lowering their standards just to find work.  Is the fact that they have these college degrees and feel that they should be able to use them?  I am sure that it is a factor to many people, but there are times when you can't get exactly what you want and you need to compromise.  Does it mean that there will never be jobs in those fields?  No, but what is more important, working and making at least some money or not working at all and complaining about it.  I would say that it is more important to at least work and contribute to society in some way.  I myself went to college, left after five years, and started my own business as a contractor.  Through the recession and currently, I have grown my business every year.  Is it in the field that I went to college for?  No, I was an English major when I left.  I followed my passion, however, and made it work for me. 

People, especially in this Occupy Movement, need to realize what it is they are protesting.  If they are protesting to get jobs, then they will fail because they are all capable people who can, if they put their minds to it, find a job, get a job, are make a job.  There needs to be more of a focus on the causes of our current situation which I feel people have forgotten about.  We need to challenge our government, show them the changes that they need to make, and press them until they make those changes.  I want to teach my son how to be successful at whatever he wants, to get whatever job he wants because he is passionate about it.  I also want to teach him that the path to his success, whatever it may be, is not necessarily a direct route, but could be one that winds and twists along the way, taking him to places that he never thought he would go.  Life is not a straight path.  There are twists and curves along the way that often times we don't see coming.  It is up to us how we react to them.  Upon coming to a twist or curve in life, we can either shut down and complain that the road wasn't made straight for us, or we can follow that road wherever it leads and be open to it.  The current economic situation has put a curve or twist in many peoples lives and it seems most aren't able to handle them.  While I see the need to protest and make changes, people also need to get over themselves and do what is necessary to make a living.  Yes, college is expensive, but why does everyone feel the need to go to college?  Is it that necessary to get that degree and end up owing tens of thousands of dollars with no way of paying it back?  Many of the most successful people this country has known were high school or college drop outs.  Maybe it is time people learned from them, found their passion, and took control of their own lives. 

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