
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Starting Things Off

Why am I starting this blog?  I guess you could say that it is mainly to promote discussion, dissect the news, offer critique, and hopefully to inspire change whether it be on a personal level or on a social level.  (And yes, occasionally I will be talking about myself and trying not to complain to much.)  It appears to me that there is a general consensus among our population that our government is this enormous entity totaly separated from the will of the voters and attempting to inject themselves into every aspect of our everyday lives.  If we are going to criticize the government, we must first criticize ourselves.  Why should we do this?  Because we the people are the government.  Our country was created with a government of the people and for the people.  If we want change to occur, we must affect that change ourselves.   Unfortunately, there is a grave apathy engulfing the majority of our country.  This apathy, if allowed to grow unchecked, can and possibly will, lead to dictatorship.  Is this a worst case senario?  Yes, but on the same note, I believe that it will not happen.  You might ask then, if the majority of our population has sunk into apathy, what is there to do?  We must start small, on an individual level.  If what I write here inspires even one person to make a change, possibly vote, or even write a letter to their local representative; that alone can start a revolution.  The Tea Party was started as such, one person, one idea.  But it has not gone far enough.  Do I aspire to be that person?  No, but if I do inspire one person to change, then I will be happy.  Next time I post here, either later today or tomorrow morning, I will offer my thoughts on our broken social systems (welfare, social security, medicare, you get the point.)  Till then, be well and say hello to your neighbor.


  1. We are creatures that respond to conditioning. Our challenges have shifted from survival with basic tools to co-exist with nature, to a survival that is motivated by a different comfort zone. Somewhere, we lost our reference for what is fundamentally natural. Family, community, brotherhood, nature. This may sound very idealistic but if we reverse engineer back to the source of populous corruption, I find that the populous motivations stem largely from insecurities and desperate attempt to belong and be a part of something, a system is barely understood and out of control of its citizens.

  2. “Be the change you want to see in the world.” - Gandhi

    Awesome. Keep the posts coming!
    - Anthony
