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Monday, February 28, 2011

Women's Rights

So I  know I just posted a few hours ago, but I have since been reading the news and feel the need to weigh in on a topic that is currently being heatedly debated in the government.  It regards the drastic cuts that would affect women, especially those in low-income families.  These cuts would affect funding for pre-natal nutrition and contraceptives amongst others.  These are the two areas I will focus on now.  First, pre-natal nutrition.  For low income families, it is imperative that they be able to receive assistance in both availability to nutritional supplements that could greatly improve the probability of a successful birth of a child and also general knowledge about how to prepare and successfully carry a child through pregnancy to birth.  For those who are well off this may not seem like a big issue, but low-income families are not able to afford the nutrients or the educational material necessary to successfully care for an unborn child.  Often times, they are also not able to pay for the basic healthy foods that a lot of us take for granted.  The fresh vegetables and produce that we buy at the supermarkets are more expensive than the pre-packaged variety and are often circumvented by those with less money to spend on food.  Cutting funding for programs that assist low-income families dealing with a pregnancy would greatly increase the frequency of children born with nutrient deficiencies and low weight greatly affecting their prospects of a healthy life.  Now lets move on to the issue of contraceptives, an even more heated topic.  In an editorial article in the NYTimes ( War on Women ), it is said that through these cuts, unintended pregnancies would rise resulting in 400,000 more abortions a year.  Now, contraceptives have been around for a long time, but personally, I do not believe that it should be the governments role to assist in providing for them.   An unintended pregnancy is just that, an unintended pregnancy, not an excuse to have an abortion.  An abortion is simply a way for women to excuse themselves from any responsibility for their actions.   If there is no way for a man to dissolve himself from any responsibility of an unintended pregnancy (child support), why should there be that option for women?  This boils down to the fact that our society increasingly offers alternatives to not take responsibility for our actions, be it woman or man.  If a man and women decide to have sex, they should be aware that one of the possibilities is creating a child.  When an unintended pregnancy occurs, a good number of women flee immediately for the day after pill or an abortion.   You knew it was a possibility, deal with it.  We could go on to discuss the fact that there are a number of scientists and women/men who say that a fetus is not a human.  Since when?  I have not heard of one case in human history where a pregnant woman gave birth to a monkey or a dolphin.  Every human pregnancy results in the birth of a human, period.  So yes, I have strong feelings on this topic, but it boils down to the fact that women should have the availability to resources to assist with bringing a pregnancy to full term, not eliminating responsibility for their actions.  I think I am done for now.  Till next time, lets all take think before we act and realize the consequences of what we are engaging in, regardless of what that act is.

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