
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Then There Was Nothing

For those of you who write out there or even just like to think and ponder, have you ever had one of those days when you wake up and there is nothing, no thoughts, no ideas, no direction...nothing?  Well, I am currently living through one of those mornings right now.  It's one of those mornings where the alarm starts going off and you felt like you just went to sleep five minutes before and to make it worse, the arm that you normally use to turn off the alarm is completely underneath you, numb, and incapable of being moved.  That was me.  Struggle as I might to pull my arm from underneath my just awakening body, it was limp from the shoulder down and to make it worse, I couldn't even roll over to use my other arm as I had a 75 pound dog blocking my path to the alarm.  I managed eventually to wriggle my way up the bed enough to stretch my left arm over my head and hit the snooze, at least giving me enough time to wrangle my other to life, flopping it to and fro till feeling started coming back.  Thinking back to last night as I lay my head down on the pillow, I had one last thought before sleep took over my weary brain and body and that was, my arm is probably going to fall asleep tonight and end up numb in the morning from the position I have it in now.  Well, I don't often get my predictions correct, but last night's was spot on.  With my arm fully functional now and simply waiting for my brain to lube itself up and crank its gears to life, I am thinking this might be a British accent sort of day.  I, for one, can listen to anyone with a British accent talk for hours on end.  I don't know why, but it fascinates me, and on top of that, I often enjoy speaking in a British accent, fake as it may be.  Cheerio, guvna!  Listen, I'm not making fun of the British at all, in fact, it is said that replicating something is the highest form of admiration or something to that effect.  Whatever the case may be, it is normally when I am tired and in need of self amusement that I break into my British accent, not necessarily accurate by any means and often tinged with a bit of the Irish Brogue or the twang of an Aussie, and I fear that sometimes I worry the people around me.  Well, sometimes I worry me as well.  Not in a serious sort of way, of course, just in a "your crazy today" sort of way. 

This is the type of day where you might find me babbling to myself, replicating my son's far from perfect speech (very primitive at this stage) or bouncing around acting like a lunatic.  Luckily for me, these days don't happen to often or I fear I might actually be recommended for committal to a mental institution.  Also luckily for me, most of those institutions are closed so I should have nothing to worry about.  Which, while on the topic, makes me wonder why I am even writing this right now.  The most plausible reason is that I have no filter on, nothing to stop the fingers from conveying whatever it is my subconscious wants to spew out.  And to be frankly, brutally, and utterly honest, I am not going to get rid of anything I just wrote.  Moving on before I head too far down that road.  My arms, in general, are tired this week.  I have been pushing myself too hard, draining the energy, and still waking up at my normal hour to get another day done.  So I could continue complaining about how my neck is aching, my shoulders are sore, and so on and so forth, but it would do not good and you would probably stop reading this because I would just be one more of those complainers who simply annoy people.  So fear not, dear friend, I will not complain either.  What shall I do instead?  I shall talk I think about my impending trip to Vermont next weekend.  It shall be the first camping trip of the season and I can not wait to get up there.  There is a lot to do if I am ambitious enough, but I know better than to speak to what my ambitions will be like a little over a week from now.  The one thing I will need to do is prep more fire wood for the season.  We have a continuously rotating wood pile up there.  Before the winter, I always make sure that there is a fair amount of chopped wood stacked up so that it can dry out some over the winter and be ready for burning come spring time.  As I go through that wood, I always re-stack it, split more, and stack the newly split next to it so that I know exactly where the dry wood is.  However, I don't think I left any logs over the winter to split first thing this spring.  That only means I will need to head into the woods with my chainsaw to harvest some wood.  Don't worry, I rarely cut down fresh trees unless they are in my way.  Luckily there are enough fallen trees that haven't rotted yet for me to easily chop logs off, send them across my zip line over the stream, and split them into nice small pieces for our fire.

If I get ambitious enough, I will start digging holes for the supports of our eating area.  All told, I will need to dig nine holes as close to four feet deep as possible for the foundation.  The eating area will essentially be a ground level deck with an overhead frame upon which we can drape a tarp for protection from the rain.  It will probably take me all summer to build, if I get started next weekend.  Time shall tell how things will go.  Its kind of funny, normally by this time of writing my eyes have full opened from last night sleep, yet an hour and a half after I got out of bed and they still feel incredibly sluggish like they are being weighed down by sandbags.  If I put my head down on the computer right now, I would probably be asleep within 3 minutes.  Which kind of makes me wonder, what would the screen look like if I put my head down on the keyboard right now.  Lets try...trfdfdrcvggggggh.   There it is, my forehead hitting the keyboard, and rolling to the right.  I somehow managed to pick my head up before my eyes completely sealed themselves shut and sent me back off to dream land.  Third cup of coffee and nothing is happening.  Is that bad sign?  Perhaps, yet I was watching a show the other night on the National Geographic Channel called the Numbers Game.  It went through different scenarios on what helps you live a longer life versus what cuts your life shorter and the statistics behind it.  It was actually fascinating.  However, the reason I am bringing that up now is because one of the things they talked about was drinking black coffee versus juice in the morning.  It has been proven that drinking black coffee is better for you than drinking juice and will prolong your life somewhat.  So will walking instead of running as well as being married versus single.  Check, check, and check. On top of that, people whose first name begins with A have a longer life expectancy than those whose name begins with D.  As for the rest of the alphabet, its not as good as A, but not as bad as D.  If you don't believe me on any of this, check out the show for yourself.  As for me, I will continue to take the advice of drinking black coffee and up my intake this morning exponentially.  Cheerio guvna!

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