
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Puppy Accident!

It was after dark last night and I felt the need to head out for a walk with my dogs.  With my wife in bed and my son at that point sleeping for hours, I collared and leashed my dogs and headed out around the block.  We were about half way through the walk, turning a corner in the road, when I heard what sounded to be a car traveling at a high rate of speed approaching from behind.  We were on the sidewalk, so I wasn't overly worried, and yet, when I glanced back to see what was going on behind me, I saw a car swerving back and forth, bumping the curve, and headed right towards me.  It was traveling extremely fast for the road it, and I, were on, and I barely had enough time to react.  With two dogs in tow, I jumped as far and fast as I could out of the way.  I unfortunately startled my older dog Princess, and as I jumped, she moved right in my way and my boot landed on her paw, snapping it instantaneously.  So if you have gotten this far, you are probably wondering what happened next.  The answer is nothing.  I never went on a walk last night and more importantly, my dog never got hurt.  So why did I spend the time writing a half paragraph worth of fiction at the start of my normally non-fiction blog?  As a joke, more or less.  Let me explain.  There have been a number of times during my blog writing extravaganza that I have alluded to events that I describe on my blog in detail that get taken totally out of context from the blurb that is written.  It seems that some people never click on the link that I post on Facebook to find out exactly what I am talking about and the comment that they leave on Facebook is completely and totally off and has nothing to do with my given topic.  The most recent example I can give is when I wrote about my brother's house and the issues that he is having with it.  I was talking about the leaking shower that he needs to fix, which has nothing to do with pipes, and yet I got a comment about how leaky pipes really suck.  Its not the only time it has happened, but I figured I would play a little joke and see how many comments I got on Facebook that were completely off the mark in terms of what I was really writing about today.  So for all of you who actually read my blog, you will get first hand reporting, tomorrow, of the comments I receive and what actually happens int he world of Facebook. 
I find it a little disturbing that so many people readily believe almost anything that is posted on Facebook or any one of the news sites that has popped up over the last few years.  While there is much validity to a lot that is posted, not all of it is true and it seems that many people have lost the ability to verify things for themselves.  Things are taken at face value and not researched or verified often times leading to misinformed people, luckily most of it is trivial and doesn't have much bearing on people's lives, however, if something seriously important were to be passed along, unverified, and believed by thousands of people, it could make a serious impact on the lives of others.  Hopefully that never happens, but it could.  I'm just gonna throw this out there without waxing to political, but didn't our country invade Iraq under the veil of weapons of mass destruction when there weren't any actually present?  It seems reasonable to believe that if our country can believe (or fabricate depending on what you want to believe) in something that isn't true and mount a decade long war over it, people will believe something insignificantly untrue on Facebook and leave comments on it.  I guess I am writing this, not only as a joke to see what kind of comments people leave on Facebook without verifying the story, but also as a warning to check references, verify stories for their validity, and hold onto a little bit of skepticism in regards to what they read and hear about.  Also, I would ask that anyone who is reading this and is a friend of mine on Facebook, not to leave a comment indicating that my fabricated story is in fact just that, a fabricated story.  For today, I actually must end early because for some reason, our son decided to get up an hour before normal, at the ripe hour of 4:55, and is now sitting in his high chair doing a puzzle over and over and over again while I write this blog.  Have no fear, he can not see the screen of the computer, and I am not completely ignoring him while writing this, however, I do feel the need to hurry this along so I can spend a little time with him instead of just keeping him in his high chair.  Right now, he is staring at me, getting a little ornery and tantrumy, and before he completely flips out, I must attend to my child.  So with that said, tune in tomorrow for the update on this little joke that I am playing on Facebook and we shall see what the outcome shall be.  If you are not friends with me on Facebook, my post there will go something like this, "Yesterday a tragedy almost occurred.  While walking my dogs in the evening, a car swerved towards us, I jumped out of the way and landed on my dogs foot, completely crushing it.  She is fine, but in a lot of pain right now..."

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