
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Friday, October 11, 2013

He'd Rather Be Naked

Yesterday morning when I went to get my son out of bed brought one of the cutest and funniest moments I have had as a parent.  There have been many moments that I have thought of as funny, but this one definitely nears the top of my list.  Normally, when I go in to get my son to start our day, he is fully clothed and either laying down or curled up in a little ball.  Well, yesterday brought a little different scene.  I had heard him talking for a bit before I went upstairs to grab him so I knew he was already awake.  I opened his door to find him hunched over his knees in a little ball, still half asleep.  As soon as he heard the door open, he popped up, turned around, and handed me his PJ's that he was supposed to be sleeping in.  Instead, all he had on was his diaper which looked as if it was about to come off as well.  It probably doesn't seem nearly as funny reading about it as it did to me in person, but for those parents out there, I'm sure you understand waking up your child to find out that they figured out how to take their clothes off.  The problem with the PJ's he wore the other night was that they didn't have the little flap that covers the top of the zipper after his PJ's are zipped up.  With no flap snapped tight, the zipper was a piece of cake obviously to pull down and somehow wrench his PJ's off his body.  Well, after we got downstairs and took off his wet diaper from the night (yes, potty training has seemingly gone in reverse for a bit), we put his PJ's back on to keep him warm.  Well, that didn't last long as began taking them off almost as soon as they were put back on.  It seems our son just likes traipse around the house naked.  No worries, it provides for amusing times.  Especially since like every boy his age, his little penis provides hours of amusement for him. 
On a slightly different note, it is his second birthday this weekend.  What's on the menu for our little family gathering?  Hot dogs for our son and chicken for everyone else.  While his taste for food is slowly expanding, he is definitely no where near his love of food that he used to have.  So it will be interesting to see what else he eats on his birthday.  My guess is it will probably be apple sauce and banana bread with vegetables mixed in.  That is one thing we are struggling with getting him to eat, vegetables.  He just doesn't really care for them and as such, we mix them into his banana bread that he loves to eat.  Yet, he is trying vegetables more and more often just without much success in actually eating and swallowing them.  The other day, however, as my wife was picking vegetables from our garden, she had a surprise.  He took a chili pepper that had starting turning red and began munching on the end of it.  He actually ate about three or four bites of it before he got to the seeds of the chili pepper.  The seeds are always the hottest part of the pepper and as soon as he got a mouthful of them, it was like trying to get a burning coal out of your mouth.  It was cute and hilarious, but at least he was eating a vegetable.  Maybe we are turning a corner in regards to expanding his range of food.  Yesterday morning, he actually ate two pieces of cold, plain pasta, something that had previously not even made it past the lips of his mouth.  He is still funny when trying something new.  At first, he will put it to his lips and immediately take it away shaking his head no.  What is happening more frequently now is that he will actually bring the food back to his mouth and try eating it.  Most of the time with something new the food will come right back out, however, it is staying in there more and more of late.  Maybe our little boy is actually starting to grow up.  Whatever the case, he is joy, a wonder, and I love him to death!

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