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Thursday, April 26, 2012

More Teeth A Coming

So starting a few days ago, our son, despite his regularly happy demeanor, has been getting a little fussier.  Comparatively speaking, its nothing to go crawling into a corner and covering your ears with a pillow about, he has simply been moaning and groaning more.   On top of that, any activity he embarks on, including his precious creeping (no crawling yet) usually lasts only 15-20 minutes before he gets frustrated and starts his moaning and groaning again.  Despite his fussiness, he still doesn't scream and only rarely cries.  So all things considered, we are still really lucky.  But regardless, we were wondering up until Tuesday what was going on with him.  No fever, still active, still sleeping, still happy most of the time.  We know he already has three of his baby teeth in, 2 in the bottom front, and 1 in the top front.  To have that many teeth is quite remarkable to some parents, but babies can teeth anywhere from 2 months to 12 months or later, so we were not overly surprised.  Well, on Tuesday, I happened to be playing on the floor with our son when I got a good look at the top of his mouth while he was laughing.  To my utter surprise, there were three more teeth on the verge of breaking through at the same time.  All three teeth are on the top and would completely fill out his four front top teeth.  It seems the fussiness has been explained. 

I can't imagine what it must be like for him to have three teeth coming through his top gums all at once.  I know that I went through it at one point, but lets be honest, how many of us adults can actually remember the teething experience?  I for one can't and can only imagine the discomfort that he must be going through right now.  Yet a part of me is also in awe that he doesn't scream or cry over the pain.  He is only six and a half months old and I can probably count on both hands the amount of times he has actually had tears come out of his eyes.  He is one tough little cookie.  So enough about his fussiness and his six full baby teeth he will have very soon and on to other advances.  Well, as I mentioned above, he is not crawling yet.  He is gaining speed however in his creeping.  It is quite funny to watch when he really gets into it.  He doesn't creep with two arms, rather, he uses his right arm to lift his body up and shimmy himself forward, only using his toes to help with the pushing.  His left arm continually reaches for whatever object he is after.  When he moves forward on his right arm, he will go as far as his little body will let him on the one push, his arm completely disappearing beneath his body till he has to roll to the side in order to extract it.  In the midst of his roll to the side, his left arm never stops reaching and his eyes never leave the intended object.  If he can't quite reach the object after a push, he restarts the cycle until he can reach his destination. 

At this point, over almost all of his toys, plastic cups, and cardboard boxes, he loves to go after our pets the most.  His favorite, and only because she places herself in front of him quite often, is our cat.  Spice (her name) will plop herself down in between me and my son thinking that she will get some attention from me.  To her dismay, however, she instead gets a fist full of hair or her tail pulled by our son as soon as he reaches her.  I am partly guilty here because I will give Spice attention until our son can reach her and make a grab.  Spice doesn't quite mind the fist fulls of hair being grabbed, but when it comes to her tail, she is not a big fan of it.  Our dogs try to keep their distance most of the time, not allowing our son to really get a good grip on fur, skin, claw, or tail.  They will tolerate a little, and then get up and leave.  Occasionally, if I am petting one of the dogs, they will stay around a little longer and tolerate our son's exploration, but we never push the limits.  They will go up to him however and give him a good lick in the face, the hands or his feet.  Our son never minds, just closes his eyes for a second and then opens them when the licking is done.  When he gets a little older, I am sure that he will get along just fine with our large pups.  Needless to say, I am glad I got my day off with our son yesterday even though he napped for almost four hours.  I simply enjoy being with him, talking to him, and helping him explore the world around me. 

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