
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Friday, March 18, 2011

"Creating Shared Value"

Who would have thought by the title that this post would actually be about large corporations?  Well, it is.  There is actually some good news coming out of the corporate world.  While large corporations are still enormous money making enterprises, there has been a shift in mentality from a good number of them.  It seems that the idea has come to them that they could make a bigger social difference by focusing their charity efforts on communities around them.  By spending money on communities instead of simply writing a check to some philanthropic organization, they make a greater positive social impact and also help their businesses. 

I wonder why it took so long for them to figure it out.  Corporations can not survive in this world without positively affecting the community around them anymore.  There is such an interdependence in our society between businesses and communities that it only makes sense to spend money on those that are supporting you.  There is a great article about this and the changing awareness of corporations.  This world wide economic recession that we are still trying to pull out of has changed a lot in the realm of business.  It has shown that businesses can collapse quickly as well as the financial well being of thousands dependent on them.  In order to fully come out of this recession, corporations need to step it up and really try and help the communities around them.  We can break this idea of "creating shared value" down beyond corporations.

While it is great to talk about corporations engaging in these actions, how does it specifically apply to us? How many people actively work to support and make a difference in their own community?   This principal of "creating shared value" can be applied to any community.  If we each take time to support our own community, whether it be through monetary donations or active volunteer work, it will make a positive impact on all those around us and eventually have a positive impact on us.  Ever hear of the saying "what goes around comes around"?  I wholeheartedly believe in this principle.   If we all make efforts to support our communities and those in need, we will make positive inroads into the greatest problems in our society.  Lets start by looking at those that need the most help.  Often times, people struggling to find work, make ends meet, or even living on the street have had there lives turned on a dime for no apparent reason. 

Last November, there was a contractor in my community whose house caught fire and burnt to the ground.  He has a wife and children and was absolutely devastated.  In addition to losing his house, most of his supplies and equipment were destroyed.   He told people in our community what happened and within a very short period of time, people stepped forward to pitch in and help him out.  Tools and supplies were donated to keep his business running.   Temporary housing was found for him while he worked on re-building after the fire.  The outpouring of support was utterly amazing.  Before this tragic fire occurred, he had been actively involved in our community, volunteering his time and trying to do some good.  Our community was there for him when he needed it, just as others depended on his help when they were down and out. 

As great as this story is, there are a lot of people who need help and don't have an active community that they can rely on for support.   In this case we need to reach out to them and show them that there in fact is a community there waiting to help them.  If we can impact people's lives on a personal level, it could just be what they need to turn their lives around.  Lets all take this idea of "creating shared value" with us through life.  Sometimes, making that positive impact in your community could be as simple as helping someone pick up a bag of dropped groceries or having a little patience and letting others go ahead of you in line or through the drive-through.  You never know what kind of impact your own actions will carry.  Step back and see what little steps you can take to creating shared value in your community.  Smile, for spring is pretty much here, there will soon be leaves on the trees, and life is good.

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