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Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Cancer Killing Developments!

I just stumbled upon an article that is abolutely fantastic.  A researcher at Wayne State University recently patented a personalized treatment therapy that can attack multiple types of cancer.  To sum it up, he altered DNA in such a way that like a computer virus, it invades cancer cells, tricks them into mulitplying itself, and then kills the cancer cells themselves.  This new protein (containing the altered DNA) only attacks cancer cells and leaves all other normal cells alone.  It was proven successful in treating Melanoma, one of the most resistant cancers, and is presumed to be able to treat others as well.  The unique part of this new treatment is that it does not rely on the body's immune system to function.  Rather, it goes directly for the cancer cells and does all the work on site.  This way, a cancer patient, who often has weakened immune system, will be able use the treatment with no side effects to his body.  It is in a sense, a natural cure for cancer.  Finally, someone has come up with a method that can kill cancer without killing the human body in the process.  With chemo, doctors would hope that the cancer would die before the body died from all the chemicals getting pumped through a patient's system.  Even the new cancer vaccine is proven to have very little effect because it relies on a patient's immune system to fight the cancer.  If an immune system is compromised, the vaccine will have little or no effect, possibly killing the patient.  These are the types of projects that need more funding (scarce as it is right now).  If we had spent more money on these natural killing machines instead of chemo or vaccines, maybe we would have had this treatment a lot earlier.  Instead of turning this post into an assault on the pharmaceutical industry (which will have to wait till some other time), lets instead ponder what else we could do when focusing on the human body instead of the disease.  There lies within each of us the potential to heal ourselves, sometimes with outside help as with cancer.  Regardless, if we examine more deeply the tools our own bodies possess, we discover so many more options to healing.  Lets all keep our chins up, not all the news these days is bad and lets celebrate this achievement that could mean saving thousands of cancer patient's lives.  Keep on smilin!!

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