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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Muslim McCarthyism

I thought our country had moved beyond their fear of Muslims, the Koran, and anything Arab.  It appears that I was naive and hopeful.  We can talk about the supposed fears of New Yorkers to keep a Muslim community center from opening "too close" to ground zero to the all out bashing in Tennessee of Muslims attempting to build a mosque to worship in (they were denied).  Today it seems that we have a self proclaimed terrorist detector spreading more fear and nonsense throughout the U.S. about Muslims and their intentions.  Just so everyone out there knows, I am Catholic and and have no problem with any religion.  This self proclaimed terrorist detector, Brigitte Gabriel (not even her real name), has even set up a foundation to educate people on the supposed infiltration of American society by extremist Muslims.  She makes it seem as if every Muslim is a radical in waiting and as a whole they are biding their time till they can take over America.   This same sort of fear was spread en masse during the cold war by Senator McCarthy about Communism.  Have we learned nothing from that failure.  There was no Communist infiltration of the United States and hundreds of lives were ruined through the accusations.  I fear that the same thing could happen today.  There are certain people out there who prey upon the fears of others.  What is the fear in this case?  A terrorist attack on the United States.  The scariest part about this whole issue is that people are actually believing this twisted lady and others like her who are building up in the minds of Americans a distinct hatred towards Muslims.  At conventions, they conveniently pick out certain passages from the Koran that might be construed as instigating violence, paste them together, and claim the whole religion is violent.  If they actually took the time to read the Koran and understand it, they would see that they are effectively wrong.  These groups are saying the Muslims are infiltrating our schools, our way of life, and will eliminate us the soonest chance they get. 

There is actually a part of me that wants to laugh at these people.  They are so entrenched in their fear of terrorism that they absorb any little bit of corresponding terrorist information that is spoon fed to them.  There is no effort put forth by them to actually learn and understand about a different religion.  Most often, people fear what they do not understand.  However much I want to laugh at these people, I know that this is a serious situation and could have grave implications if allowed to continue unchecked.  There is even a hearing being scheduled in DC by a representative from Long Island about the supposed infiltration of America by Muslim radicals. 

Do these people have a right to voice their opinion?  Absolutely.  This is after all the United States of America where we have the freedom to voice our opinions and speak publicly about them.  However, there is a point where, if left unchecked, it could lead to violence against our fellow citizens who are Muslim.  Any person from any race or religion has the right to live in this country.  Who are these people to encompass a whole religion under one umbrella idea of fanatacism?  If you look at any religion or any race, you will find radicals and terrorists.  These radicals and terrorists are in the minority however and it is unfortunate that there are such a great number of people in this country who refuse to see the truth. 

So what do we do about this current trend that is occurring?  We must speak out against it and support our fellow Muslim citizens.  We have the right to do that as well.  Let us start today and bring a little logic and understanding to the conversation that is currently being dominated by blindness and fear-mongering.  In this current world environment where everyone is brought closer together by the internet and technology, it is astounding that these ideas survive, yet somehow they do.  Lets bring discussion to the table, rational and logical, and reveal these people for who they truly are, bigots and liars hell bent on creating a society based in fear and loathing.  It is time for the apathetic and lazy people of America to the see the light.  Lets start one person at a time, for that is how any great effort begins.

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