
If this is your first time visiting, welcome. If you are returning again, welcome back. While this blog was originally not going to be about me or my life, it seems to be morphing to include more of myself and experiences. I will still strive to add a different perspective to the news and events around the world that impact everyone's life,however, I will focus more attention on issues that relate more tangibly to our personal lives. We all live in a world that is increasingly interconnected yet it seems a lot of people are turning inwards, shying away from human interaction. Lets step away from ourselves and see what we can do to make a difference. There are ads on this page and 65 cents of every dollar earned will be donated towards helping the homeless. If you like what you are reading, please share it with your friends.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Vacuum of Negativity

What is a vacuum of negativity?  Essentially, a vacuum of negativity is the pull that negative comments and emotions have on others.  This pull draws negativity out of people, turns them negative, and basically puts a depressed mood on any situation governed by said negativity.  I have talked before about negativity, both in the news and in our personal lives, and the effect that it has on us.  If people are negative in their demeanor, actions, and words, it will perpetuate.  This negativity will force certain people away as they don't want to get caught up in it and it will pull other negative people in.  The news can have a large impact on our outlook on the world depending on how we let it affect us.  Many times, the news is depressing and negative and, similar to negative people around us, can draw us into its grasp.  So why am I bringing up negativity again?  Isn't it enough for me to talk about it once, drop it and move on?  Normally, I would say yes, but I experienced first hand the pull of negativity this past weekend and was astounded at how great of an effect it had on the people I was with.  This wasn't an instance of being out in the world with friends or random people, it was a lunch my wife and I had with our family this past weekend before going out to get our Christmas tree.  It was a beautiful day, a little brisk, but bearable, and we had our family gathered together.  Normally, it would have been a wonderful day, which it still was after some saving, but there was a moment there where it could have spiraled into a quite depressing day. 

So enough of me describing it, what happened?  Well, there were six of us gathered around our dining room table eating pizza for lunch.  Our son was napping in the other room and after the first few pieces of pizza went down, someone brought up the incident at Virginia Tech that happened last week.  It was asked if we had heard about it and we all had.  From there, it was like a volley around the table seeing how much negative news and death could be brought up.   There was a fireman who died fighting a fire.  A house that was broken into.  There was also the robbery/murder of a jewelry story and owner.  There might have been a few other media bites thrown in there, but frankly I don't remember.  When everyone, except me had said their piece, someone mentioned what a horrible week it had been.  At that point, I stopped eating, looked around the table at all the depressed faces eating pizza and said, "I don't know about any of you, but I had a pretty damn good week."  Maybe these other people had horrible weeks and it sucks for them, but I was doing just fine.  I was quite amazed at how one depressing, negative comment pulled another one out, then another and another.  I had talked about negativity and depression before as a downward spiral, but to see it happen so quickly and at my own dining room table was amazing.  It was almost as if everyone around the table should have been having a bad week because of what happened in the news.  I had heard about all the instances, but I quickly moved on because they didn't personally effect me.  To let the news grab a hold of me and guide my feelings and emotions is not an option for me. 

For me, writing this blog has helped me recognize more concretely the notions and ideals that I talk about as they happen in the world around me.  By writing them down, it organizes my thoughts and adds a certain fluidity to my world and how I live it.  It is one thing to have thoughts and ideas, but it is another to actually put a voice to them and lay them out.  A few years ago, I probably would have been sucked into the vacuum of negativity myself.  Whether it is because of the blog, or because of changes I have made in my personal life, I feel a little more immune to it.  Is the pull of the vacuum still there?  Absolutely, but it is more like a dust buster now than the Dyson it was before.  I only hope that in writing this, others can recognize situations in their own life that suck them in for good or bad and react accordingly.  It doesn't take much to stop a stream of negativity if nipped in the bud, but if left to flourish, it can have an impact on an entire day, week, or longer.  To me, there is too much good in the world to be negative all the time.  (I must admit, I also take a negative outlook sometimes in this blog).  All it takes is for us to take a step back, assess any situation objectively, and proceed based on what is best for us.  There have been times when I have approached a group of people talking, only to find out that their whole demeanor is negative, and leave before even saying a word.  Why?  Because my life is worth more than the negative things they are talking about.  I for one choose to live a life that is as positive and uplifting as I can make it.  Is it always easy?  Hell no, but at least I try.  All I can do is urge others to take a step away from negativity and see what a difference it can make in their own lives. 

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